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As we reach my apartment, Seiji is fast asleep, his eyelashes flutter softly as he dreams. I take him from Tooru's broad arms, and carry him to my own bedroom, laying him down gently, as I head to his room to retrieve a set of pajamas. Tooru follows close behind me, watching as I grab a set of striped sleep wear, and return to our son.

"Need help?" He asks, eager to do some good. I give him a shake of my head, as I take off Seiji's clothes from today, doing my best to remove them without waking the boy. I manage to do this up until I try to put on his sleep pants. His eyes open momentarily, as his brown orbs stare into mine. My image seems to calm him, as he falls back asleep. As I finish putting on his clothes, I give Tooru a smile, assuring him of my success. I lead the tall man out of my bedroom, and back into the main living area, before turning to him quickly.

"Are you sleeping here?" I ask, hoping he answers yes.

He gives me a nod, as he steps towards to me, closing the distance between us slowly. My heart speeds up, as he drags out the process of placing his lips on mine, as his hand finds my hip, and the other the back of my neck. I let out a soft sigh, as I ball my hand in his t-shirt, and cling to him, as my head spins. As we part, a soft chuckle emerges from his throat, making me want to go in for yet another kiss. I stop myself, but, only because I hear Seiji stirring in my room.

Tooru hears it as well, as he heads in the direction of the rustling blankets. Seiji tosses and turns in the middle of the bed, his eyebrows furrowing as he moves. Nightmares? I wonder to myself, as I place a hand in his hair, my thumb rubbing circles on his forehead, wondering if it does anything to ease his anxiety. It seems to work slightly, but it's only a minute before he starts fidgeting again.

"What should we do?" Tooru asks me, his eyes filled with concern.

I give him a small shrug, "All you can really do is rub his forehead, and be here if he wakes up."

He nods, taking over my role, as he insists on running his fingers through the child's hair. I smile to myself as I watch them from beside the bed. I can't help myself, as I plant a firm kiss on Tooru's cheek, as my lips brush against the slight stubble forming there. The texture doesn't bother me in the slightest, but I wish I'd kissed him on the lips instead.

I shrug my shoulders as I set off to my closet on the other side of the room, where both Tooru and I have clothes we can wear to bed. I pull out Tooru's practice attire which he'd left over here the last time he spent the night, and grab myself an oversized t-shirt. I near Tooru again, setting his clothes down beside him gently, as I proceed to strip in front of him, his eyes stealing glances every so often, before I slip the cotton shirt over my head, smiling at its familiar smell and comfortable fabric. It's become old and tattered over the years , but there's still nothing I'd rather wear. Before sitting down on the bed beside my boys, I throw my laundry in the basket, and eagerly cross back to my bed. I relieve Tooru from his position, as it's his turn to change.

He removes his shirt slowly, as his shoulders and back are exposed to me. My eyes trace his wide shoulders, as the muscles contract, and he stretches his arms over his head with a yawn. This causes me to yawn in return, and I close my eyes, falling back into the bed gently, pulling Seiji closer to me. I hold him against my chest, my arms wrapped around him tightly, as the sweet scent of his shampoo fills my nose.

The bed shifts as Tooru returns, and I feel the warmth of his hands as he drapes his arms around me and Seiji, pulling himself closer to us. I open my eyes slowly, to see Tooru's staring back into mine, his face is relaxed, but his eyes seem to show a smile, without the help of his lips. As we lie there soundlessly, I'm overcome with a feeling of complete comfort, that's suddenly becoming familiar. I still don't understand the strange ways Tooru manages to put me at ease, but he seems to do it automatically, without even thinking about making an effort. In a way, that would seem selfish, or at the lest show indifference, but it's the exact opposite. He's comfortable enough around me to simply be himself, and that alone may be what causes me to feel this way. Regardless, I'm thankful for the way he shelters me from my looming worries, even though they aren't exactly resolved.

I remain posed beside the two boys for some time, before feeling the urge to run to the bathroom. I dismiss myself silently, slowly removing my arms from around the sleeping toddler, careful not to wake him. I manage to keep him asleep, and I walk over to my bathroom. I stare at my disheveled hair for a moment in the mirror, before quickly relieving myself. As I wash my hands, I gaze at myself again, the oversized tee-shirt, messy hair, droopy eyes. I look like a mess... Maybe that's why Tooru stares for so long. I laugh to myself for a moment, drying my hands as I turn towards the door.

I watch my hand, as I place it on the knob, but suddenly everything seems off. My vision becomes blurred, as everything melds with each other, and I have no sense of where one thing ends and another begins. My heart pounds in my chest as panic sets in, but it seems there's no point. I feel myself topple to the floor, as my ears ring, and my vision fades to black.

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