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I stare up at the tall building in front of me, two stories tall, with a balcony on top, facing the small park across the street. Seiji tugs on my hand, attempting to pull me towards the door.

"Mommy, lets go already!" He whines. He's tired of standing outside, not that I can blame him, it is pretty humid. But, for whatever reason I just can't let myself go in yet. My stomach is twisting in knots and I feel as if I could become sick just stepping inside.

Seiji comes to my leg, and tugs on my skirt, while his brown eyes search mine, "It's hot." He states simply, not understanding why I'm submitting him to the cruel punishment of standing outside in the sun.

I nod, forcing myself to smile before scooping him up into my arms, where he presses his head against my chest. I'm sure the sound of my heart pounding in my chest is making its way into his tiny ears, I just hope he doesn't say anything about it...

I walk the few steps to the front door, running my free hand along the tall bush lining the walkway. I take a deep breath and reach for the doorbell, but Seiji's pudgy finger beats me to it.

"Woah," he gasps, listening to the ringing coming from inside the house. He looks at me, before his lips turn into a devious smirk and he proceeds to ring the doorbell rapidly.

"Seiji!" I shout, taking a step back so the bell is out of his reach.

He looks up at me with a pout, just as the front door opens, revealing a casually dressed Tooru.

Instantly, Seiji's pout is replaced by a wide grin, as he extends his arms to reach for the brunette in front of us.

"If it isn't my two favorite people," he smiles, lifting Seiji from my arms, and placing him on his shoulders, "Come on in."

I nod, taking my shoes off along with Seiji's, and placing them neatly in a rack by the door. Tooru leads me to a large room with tall ceilings, containing a couple couches, and an oversized TV. Plush Carpet touches my feet as I resist the urge to bend over and lay on it.

"Have you guys eaten yet?" Tooru asks, as he places Seiji down and heads towards what I assume is the kitchen.

"N-No," I tell him, still taking in the European style home. I guess playing professional volleyball makes more money than I would've thought.

"I don't have much, if you want we could order something, or I could go get something or-"

"Can we have ramen!?" Seiji asks excitedly looking from me to Tooru.

"You just ate ramen," I remind him, "Why don't-"

"I think ramen sounds like a great idea," Tooru interrupts me, "And I actually have some of the stuff to make it."

I nod, as I walk towards the sound of their voices, and down a small hallway. Pictures of Tooru and his team mates line one wall, along with a shelf displaying various trophies and medals. On the other side of the hallway is pictures of his family, Mother, Father, and the golden boy Tooru. I smile, looking at the pictures of him as a kid, which remind me of another brown headed dork.

I walk into the kitchen, which is large, almost four times as big as mine, and open. Windows line the wall, as sunlight drifts in though the slightly open blinds.

Tooru towers over the stove, as he lights a fire beneath a giant pot filled to the brim with water. Seiji watches him work, taking out the ingredients to prepare lunch.

"You're being quiet," he says to me, "What happened to that big mouth of yours?" He smirks, and I punch him lightly in the shoulder.

His eyes search mine for a second as we both smile, somehow we just click when needed...

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