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I take a deep breath as I step through the doorway, the smell of ginger hitting my nose as I enter. I help Seiji up the steps and begin taking of his shoes when he reaches the wooden floor. He's giddy with excitement, and can barely stand still as I unlace his sneakers, much to my annoyance. Taking a deep breath I finish, and move on to removing my own shoes, trying to calm down. I feel my pulse pounding in my temples, as my stomach ties itself in knots. I try planning what to say when I see his parents, but my mind draws a blank, I'm not sure what to expect, so I'm not sure how to plan to respond.

I follow Tooru down a long hallway, which is decorated with pictures of all of his family. Some of him as a child, some of him now, all looking happy as can be. My eyes focus on one of him on the beach, sitting alongside who I recognize is his mother. He bears a striking resemblance to Seiji, almost like they're the same person. It brings a smile to me face, slowing my heart rate slightly.

Tooru looks back to me, his brown eyes warm and reassuring, as he proceeds to open a door to his right. Seiji and I trail in behind him, as we're faced with a large kitchen. A petite brunette woman paces around quickly, before stopping to examine a pot perched on the stove. She looks up as we enter, her lips curling into a smile, as her brown eyes focus on both Seiji and me.

"Hello," she says, as she wraps her arms tightly around Tooru, "Who are your friends here?"

As they break apart, she crouches down so she's eye level with Seiji, who's attached to my leg, his small arms wrapped around me tightly. I give him a slight nudge, hoping he'll introduce himself so I won't have to.

"I'm Seiji," he tells her quietly, his voice soft. I'm surprised by his shyness, it's never been an issue before, but maybe he senses the tension radiating off of me.

"Seiji," she repeats, "Thats a great name!"

He smiles as she says this, becoming more comfortable, "Thank you," he says, separating himself from my leg, and stepping closer to Oikawa's Mother. As they talk between themselves, my eyes turn to Tooru, who still hasn't explained to his mother our relationship, or who Seiji is exactly.

"What's your name dear?" She asks, as she stands up, a smile still placed on her lips.

"I'm (L/N) (F/N)," I introduce myself, as she places a finger on her chin, and looks me up and down.

"The one from high school?" She asks, turning to Tooru, who gives her a nod. She returns the motion, before letting out a small chuckle, "Tooru, why don't you take Seiji outside to see the animals?"

I look to Tooru, hoping he'll say no, and not leave me completely alone. Though I doubt she has anything sinister planned, I'm concerned about what she will proceed to ask me.

"Is that okay with you?" Tooru asks me, as I decide against coming off as rude and declining her suggestion. I give him a nod as Seiji follows him out of the door at the back of the kitchen, which leads outside. I watch them leave, wishing I was going with them, before turning to Tooru's Mom.

"I'm Ayumi by the way," she says, laughing to herself, as if she can't believe she forgot to tell me this, "Are you any good at cooking?"

I give her a small shrug, as my eyes move to the counter covered in ingredients, "If there's instructions I can do anything."

She laughs before nodding, "We're in luck then, I'm trying to make a big roast for tonight, but I've never made one before so I guess we'll see how this goes."

I work along side her, following the recipe, as she makes mostly small talk. It's pleasant, and she doesn't say anything off putting at all. Just as I think it's going to well, she suddenly turns to me, a tired look on her face.

"I'm sorry (L/N)," she sighs, "I can't stand holding back all my questions anymore, do you mind answering a few things for me?"

I nod cautiously, but grateful for her kind phrasing.

"Seiji... He's Tooru's kid?" She asks, not looking me in the eye.

"Yes." I answer, looking out the window above me, which shows Seiji chasing off after a large brown dog, with a tennis ball in its mouth. Ayumi smiles beside me, a giant grin, similar to Tooru's. She seems to have taken the news rather well, which offers me some relief.

"Why am I only now finding out?" She asks, as I assumed she would eventually.

"I hadn't told anyone about Seiji," I explain, "But I ran into Tooru, and I couldn't hide it."

She nods, "And your family?"

I shrug, "I don't speak with them anymore."

She grabs my hand softly, giving it a squeeze as her eyes meet mine, an apologetic look in them, which seems to right many of the wrongs I've done in an instant.


As we sit down at the table, Seiji laughs loudly, making jokes with Tooru and his mother. The three of them get on so well, probably because of their similarities. Their unique ability to start conversations from nothing, and their immense confidence, regardless of who they're with. I find myself glad that he's gained these traits from them, because it makes him that much more wonderful.

Everyone seems to be enjoying themselves, even Tooru's dad, in his own quiet manner. He eats slowly, but smiles every time laughter flows throughout the room. He's spoken to me very little, but then again he hasn't spoken much at all. It's not an intimidating silence, but a comfortable one, which doesn't make me think any less of him. His kind eyes more than make up for his lack of words, and his winning smile reminds me of Seiji's.

Soon, everyone's finished their meals, and Seiji's eyes begin to droop slightly. I offer to help clean up before we leave, but Ayumi refuses, insisting I take the half-asleep toddler home at once.

"Thank you so much for having us over," I bow, as I hand the toddler off to Tooru.

"Anytime," Ayumi grins, coming up to me and wrapping her arms around me. Her arms are warm, and comforting, as I melt into the hug, grateful for the motherly affection I've been lacking. When we part, I wish I'd stayed in her arms for a moment longer, but the moments already passed. Tooru's dad thanks me for coming and bringing Seiji, which almost makes me cry. I had no idea how smoothly things here would unfold, as I realize I stressed over nothing. No one was hostile or upset over their long lost grandchild, instead they were grateful for the addition to their family, myself included.

These thoughts roll around in my mind, as I place my shoes back on my feet, along with Seiji's and head home.

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