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Fired. Well might as well be. Though that wasn't the word he used, I know he meant it. Don't come back. And don't expect any kind of reference. Now two jobs turns to one, and a job hunt. At least I didn't have to work my shift, and I can go back and pick up Seiji... I guess I should be glad, I never liked waitressing much to begin with, but I know I'll probably end up with another waitressing job again anyways. Still, a break from something I don't like, is a break I'll enjoy. I don't know how I'll make rent this month though, I was depending on my next paycheck to cover it. I'd better get on that job hunt now.

I pull out my phone and dial Tooru's number, and am glad when he picks up after only the first ring.

"Aren't you working?" He asks first, his voice slightly concerned, but more curious than anything else.

"Fired," I laugh tiredly, my worry seeping into my voice.

"It'll be okay though, you'll just get another job right?" He asks, picking up on the unevenness in my tone.

"I hope so," I answer, wondering what hope has ever actually done for me, "Anyways, I'm on my way over to your place, and I'll take Seiji home with me."

"(Y/N) it's eleven o'clock," he pauses, "Doesn't make sense to wake him up like that."

"I'll come anyways," I yawn, "I'm about to get on the bus, so I'll see you when I get there."

"Alright," he sighs, "L- Tell when you get off the bus."

My heart beats faster as I catch his slight slip up, knowing what he was about to say. I nod, "Got it."

I click my phone off, as I step on the bus, sitting down against the window behind the driver, listening to the quiet buzz of the lights above me, and the sounds of the bus's brakes. I smile, knowing I'll get to see Seiji soon, and how much better that'll make things. Things will work out, they always do, one way or another.

As my stop comes, I shift in my seat, preparing myself to stand. I move my hand to the other side of the seat, attempting to push myself up, before I realize my fingers won't move. I pause suddenly, looking down at my fingers, willing them to move. They don't. Panic begins to cluster in my stomach, as I pray for them to do something, anything, but they don't. My heart races faster, my breathing becomes uneven, It quickens just as my heartbeat does, as the panic spreads to the rest of my body. I bite my bottom lip hard in frustration, a desperate attempt to calm myself, keep myself from a full blown episode on a public bus. As the bus lurches to a stop, my breathing is all wrong, like there's not enough oxygen in the air, my throat burns as I inhale faster and faster. I breath out slowly and unevenly, standing up and pretending it's not happening. It's the only way I can remain sane for now.

I thank the bus driver and step off into the warm night, walking by light of the lamp, my pace quicker than usual, I need to get to Tooru, Seiji, get something normal that will make this go away, make me go back to normal. It's my imagination. It's my imagination. I'm just as bad as Seiji, my imagination is getting the better of me. I don't attempt to move my fingers again incase I'm wrong, but I'm not. Like I said, "All of this is going to work out," I repeat, my voice so shaky I don't even believe it. Damn it, damn it, damn it.

"It's fine, I'm fine, I just need sleep," I mumble, making excuses, "I'll wake up tomorrow and be fine, normal, no problem."

I accept this notion, as I arrive at Tooru's, knocking at his door with my opposite hand, not attempting to use the other one again. He opens it almost immediately, and pulls me inside, into a tight embrace. I almost break down right away, but decide it's better to leave it alone.

"Don't stress too much about the job alright," he whispers, squeezing me between the muscular arms which protrude from his grey short sleeved shirt. I run my right hand along his toned arm, using a finger to trace the outlines of his muscles, while my other hand lies limply by my side.

"Alright," I smile weakly, knowing that now there's much more to worry about, "Hey I'm not feeling to well, do you mind if I crash here?"

He breaks out into a grin, "Of course I don't," he winks, scooping me into his arms.

"This really is a bad habit you have, picking me up everywhere," I laugh flatly, allowing him to carry me off to a bedroom upstairs.

"I strongly disagree with that," he replies, looking down at me softly.

I force myself not to blush as he places me down gently on the king bed that lies in his room. I look up to him standing above me, a suspicious glance playing on my face.

"No funny business, I promise," he winks adorably. I roll my eyes, before raising my eyebrows, asking for an answer as to why he brought me here then, "I thought we could all sleep in here, I wanted to sleep with Seiji, and so did you, and two of us can't fit on the other bed-"

"Suuuure," I tease him as he desperately attempts to prove he doesn't hold bad intentions.

"(Y/N)! If I wanted to do something like that, I couldn't do it with Seiji in the next room, that's bad," he protests, implying if the boy weren't here he would give it the go ahead.

"Good grief," I sigh, "Do you have a t-shirt I can borrow?"

He nods, trying to hide a smile by turning to his closet. He returns with a soft, oversized t-shirt that says "volleyball opening" in large simple font. He stands watching me, as I'm about to change.

"What're you looking at?" I ask, staring at him harshly.

"N-Nothing," he blushes, "I'm going to go get Seiji."

I nod, as he leaves the room, chuckling when he closes the door slightly behind him. I manage to take off my shirt with one hand, but find my jeans much harder to remove. I struggle for what seems like hours, before finally managing to undue the button. Again I feel panic, as my fingers still won't answer to my instructions, but I ignore it agin, while I can, as I pull Tooru's T-shirt over my head.

Tooru's walks in moments after, relieved to see he didn't catch me mid-dressing. I peel back his soft covers, and crawl into them as I watch Tooru place the sleeping toddler between me and the opposite side of the bed. I brush stray hairs off Seiji's forehead, smiling at the way he moves slightly beneath my hand. I lay down, one hand resting on Seiji's stomach, as I await the company of the other boy. Out of the corner of my eye, I see him undressing. His smooth movements only serve to make it seem attractive, and I feel embarrassed for looking. However, I enjoy the glimpse of his toned back muscles which contract as he puts on a shirt almost matching mine. He simply wears a shirt and boxers, much like me, and makes his way over to the bed.

He smiles at the sight of me and Seiji, almost as if he's thinking the same as I am, that this is how it's meant to be.

He climbs into bed, careful not to move too much or make much noise, and places a hand around my waist. After turning off the light, he pulls me and Seiji closer to him, almost like he's wanting to protect us, or protect whatever this is starting to become.

"I think I'm falling in love," he murmurs, his voice breaking the beautiful silence that fills the room.

"Me too." I reply, feeling his lips brush against my forehead as I begin to drift to sleep.

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