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Marriage? The thought hadn't even crossed my mind, I thought the idea of moving in with Tooru was extreme but wedding is an entirely different ordeal. I shake my head, placing my forefinger and thumb on the bridge of my nose and pinching gently, offering relief to the headache beginning to form.

I exhale deeply, as my gaze turns once again to Seiji. The boy seems no different than before. Finding out about an estranged father had no effect on him. I suppose that's better than the other options, but now makes me feel as though I overreacted this whole time. I've kept Seiji away from the truth, for what I thought were good reasons, only to discover they weren't reasons at all. What I thought would be earth shattering news didn't phase him. Which means I have to apologize to Tooru.

Seiji lets out a large yawn, as he sets down his chopsticks across the small bowl. Signaling he's both full and tired. I begin to stand, to whisk him off to bed, but Tooru stops me with a wave of his hand.

He stands up, his figure towering above my seat on the floor, and scoops up the toddler, a smile playing on both their lips.

"Ready for bed?" Tooru asks him, as Seiji shakes his head.

"Not tired," he argues, before an ill timed yawn ruins his defense.

"Are you sure?" Tooru asks comically, exaggerating his words, much to Seiji's amusement.

Finally the toddler gives in, nodding his head before resting it in the crook of his father's neck. As they turn down the hallway, Seiji faces me, as I stick my tongue out, causing his giggle to carry through the hallway. They turn into his bedroom, and out of my sights, creating slight suspense as I wonder what's going on inside. I convince myself it's fine, and begin staring at the photograph still laying on the table.

I don't know why I never put it up on the wall with the others. I really do love this picture.

It was taken at the beginning of our third year, when I first got my camera.

"Come on (Y/N)-chan! You always take the pictures so you don't have to be in them," he laughs, "You can set Iwa-chan take just one."

I roll my eyes before looking to Iwaizumi who gives me a nod, "I guess."

Tooru does a mini victory dance before pulling me next to him. We stare at each other for a moment, as I get a sinking feeling in my stomach. A smirk forms on his lips, and a mischievous glint is in his eye, and I know something's bound to happen. I open my mouth to say something, but am cut off by an intense laughter coming out of my throat. I squirm and writhe under his touch, trying to get away, but he has me right where he wants me.

"S-TA-STOP!" I manage to choke out between laughs, "I-CANT-BRE-"

"You'll be fine I promise," Tooru chuckles, continuing to tickle me, his fingers prodding my sides.

I hear the click of the camera and know the picture will end up with me a blurry mess. After the picture is taken, he stops.

"Sorry (Y/N), but you look so cute when you're laughing like that," he smiles, trying to get away with it.

I give him a stern disapproving glance as he continues to appease me.

"I bet the picture is great!" He continues, wrapping an arm around my waist.

I give a slight shrug before giving into his touch, his body molding to fit mine perfectly. I rest my head on his shoulder, and look up to him with a smile, which he happily returns.

Then, there's another click of the camera, as we both turn to face Iwaizumi. He looks amused by us, but he doesn't say anything. Instead he silently hands the camera back to me, and I slide the strap around my neck.

"Time for practice," Tooru says, giving me a quick peck on the cheek, "Better hurry up."

I nod, sliding my hand into his, our fingers intertwining as we walk to the club room.

I smile to myself, holding the picture in my hands, rubbing my thumb over the glossy cherry blossoms that dot the back ground.

We look so different now... Or at least I do. Having a kid has been just as much of a mental drain as a physical one. I look so young, even though it was only a few years ago. I look naive. I didn't know back then how much harder things would get, or how much I would be forced to grow up in such a short time. Things were so much simpler back then. Before I had to worry about rent and day care. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to go back. Not to a time without Seiji.

I look up from the image as a tall brunette enters the room, and extends a hand to me, "It's your bedtime too isn't it?"

"Not exactly," I smile, taking his hand as he scoops me up just as he did with Seiji. I wrap an arm around his neck, as he carries me towards the couch. I wince at the memory of our last discussion on the couch, and how it ended with neither of us feeling well.

"Have you thought about moving in yet?" He asks almost as soon as he sits down.

My eyes search his for a moment, finding them a swirl of anticipation. I shake my head and watch as he leans back, disappointed.

"I don't mean no, I just haven't had the chance to think things through yet," I explain, "Things have been hectic lately."

He nods, "So is it a maybe?" He asks a little too eagerly.

"I suppose."

A/N: I'm back you guys! I have some new ideas for this book, and no more writers block. Also (I hate advertising other books but-) my new one shot HQ book is out and I'd love some requests!

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