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A/N: The adorable boy above is the original Seiji! Try to guess where he's from 😊

I hear the front door click in place, and sigh. That's Seiji for you... Running off, even though he missed me. Always wanting an adventure.

"Soooo (F/N)-chan~" Tooru smiles, as I question what's going to come from his mouth next.


He takes a deep breath before laying down beside me, his eyes boring into mine. "I have to go back to my training schedule for volleyball, which means I'm going to see you less, but I want you guys to move in with me."

My breath hitches in my chest, "M-Move in?"

He nods his pointer finger tracing my bandages, "My house is in a nice neighborhood and there's plenty of room, and you won't have to worry about rent-"

"Tooru," I put a hand on his cheek, my thumb brushing his smooth skin, "We've only been talking for a week."

"I know..." he mumbles, "But I feel like we should."


"Will you at least think about it?" He asks, his brown eyes pleading with me.

"I haven't even been to your house before," I chuckle, "Plus there's a lot of furniture to move-"

"I can get people to help us out with that!" He exclaims, "My teammates are always willing to help out a hottie like you, but I wouldn't want them to get any ideas, you are mine-"

"Tooru." I groan, "I'll think about it if you'll just stop rambling."

"No need to be a bad sport (F/N)-chan!" He tells me, shifting in the bed so he can better look at me, "Are we going to tell Seiji?"

I roll over, my face in the pillow, avoiding his gaze. The gaze I know that will guilt me into submission. I can picture it in my head, bottom lip sticking out, brown eyes wide, eyebrows raised. It's the same look the miniature version of him uses whenever he wants something. One in the same.

"Fine," I say into the pillow, shaking my head as I do so. This is crazy. All of this...

"I can't hear you like that," Tooru whines, flipping me over.

"I said yes," I smile, as his hand links with my own, his slender fingers fitting perfectly between mine. His lips curl into a wide grin, showing his perfect white teeth.

"For sure?" He asks, as if he's trying to figure out if this is some cruel joke.

I simply nod, closing my eyes and rolling over, a blush beginning to form on my cheeks. I feel an arm encircle my middle, as Tooru pulls me across the bed towards him. I let out a surprised "Umph," as I feel his breath tickling my neck.

"Now all we have to do is get you to move in..." he mumbles, giving me a slight squeeze.

"I won't give in that easy," I smile, closing my eyes as they become heavy.

"I know."


I wake up, my hand instinctively reaching out to grab Seiji, only to feel the cold other half of the bed. It takes me a moment to remember he left with Iwaizumi. But Tooru is here...

I roll over, to see that the man is gone, leaving behind only a bunched up blanket. I shift my weight into my palms, wincing slightly as I push myself into a sitting position. I stretch out my arms before swinging my legs over the side of the bed, my feet landing on the cold wooden floor.

I let out a shudder, as I begin to stand up. Pain shoots through my body, radiating around the back of my legs and bottoms of my feet, where I feel the stitches straining. I brace myself by placing a hand on my nightstand, leaning towards that side.

I release a shaky breath before removing my hand, and standing up to my full height once more. I place one foot in front of the other, my knees nearly giving out.

"Dammit," I mutter, brushing my hair off my forehead. I should get back in the bed, but I'm already up so I might as well try.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Tooru shouts, running to my side.

I give him a smile, trying to brush him off as he wraps an arm around my waist to stabilize me. I attempt to pry his strong arms off of me, but to no avail, he simply picks me up as he's done previously, and gently places me on the bed.

"Don't get up again," he grunts standing up, "The doctor said you'll rip your leg stitches if you try walking around. Not to mention all the ones on your feet," he tells me, poking at my toes.

I wiggle my toes, squirming beneath his touch. I stick out my bottom lip, and tuck my feet safely beneath the blanket. Feeling the soft blanket rub against the bandages covering the balls of my feet. I turn to meet his gaze, my (e/c) orbs wide.

"Don't give me that look!" He shouts, jumping onto the bed childishly, "You look too cute (Y/N)-chan!"

I let out a giggle, as the front door creaks open. "Mommy!!" I hear Seiji shout from the kitchen, as the patter of his feet race across the floor towards my room.

"Where'd you go?" I ask him after he throws open the already ajar door.

He shrugs, as he jumps on the bed between Tooru and I, "We got ramen"

"Mmmm what kind?" I ask, grunting as he clambers onto my stomach.

"The one with ham!" He exclaims, giggling as I poke his stomach.

"You sure do like that one huh?"

He nods excitedly, "It's the best!"

"Are you guys ready to eat?" Iwaizumi yells from the kitchen, as Seiji jumps off me. He runs off in the direction of Iwaizumi's voice, as the sound of his footsteps become fainter.

"Shall we?" Tooru smirks, grabbing my hand.

"Sure- Gah!" I gasp, as he throws me over his shoulder. My legs hit against Tooru's chest, as blood rushes to my head. I poke at his side with my finger, as my hair falls down towards the ground, "You could've just carried me like normal."

"But where's the fun in that?" He smirks, heading out of the room towards the smell of miso soup.

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