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My chest rises and falls slowly, as I run my hand along the comforter warming my body. The house is eerily quiet. I listen to the slow lull of traffic outside my window, and turn towards the clock sitting on my night stand. Tooru must have left a while ago to take Seiji to daycare. I smile at the thought. Seiji seems to enjoy going to school when Tooru takes him. He gets to ride on his shoulders, glancing down at the ground from a precarious position. It excites him, and helps to shake off the grumpiness that ensues while he's still half-asleep.

I imagine the two of them walking towards the daycare together, laughing and making jokes, both of them sharing an identical toothy grin, their brown eyes crinkling at the edges as they giggle.

My imagination is interrupted by the sound of the front door opening. It shuts almost soundlessly, and soon after, I hear Tooru's heavy steps ascending the stairs. I sit in anticipation as the door to our bedroom creaks open revealing Tooru. He wears a faded blue t-shirt, along with a pair of practice shorts. He smiles as our eyes meet, and he crosses the room to join me.

He lays beside me, his arm encircling my waist, as he places his head in the crook of my neck. I chuckle, moving my hand towards his soft hair. He shifts slightly, bringing his face inches above mine. His eyes find my own bringing his lips just above mine. I inch forward, closing the distance between us. I smile into the kiss, and drape my free hand over his broad shoulders. We part, grins forming immediately, and he lets out a chuckle.

"Good morning (F/N)."

"Good morning Tooru."

"What's the plan for today?" he asks, brushing stray hairs off of my forehead.

"We should head to the park after Seiji gets out," I nod.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?"

"You can push me in the wheelchair," I sigh, "It'll be fine. I'm tired of being cooped up anyways."

He nods, "Sounds like a plan then."


Tooru pushes the chair smoothly, as Seiji sits patiently in my lap. He tells me about school, and about how excited he is to catch bugs. I give a small laugh, peeking over my shoulder to catch Tooru hiding a grimace.

"Why is it you like bugs so much Seiji?" Tooru asks calmly.

"Because they're squirmy and weird," the toddler laughs, as I playfully poke his side.

"Good answer," I tell him, as we come to a bench beside a open field within the park. Seiji hops off of my lap onto the ground, looking up to me for some sort of permission to run off and play.

I give him a slight nod of my head, and watch as he ventures off into the grass, crouching down to get a better look whatever may be crawling there. Meanwhile, Tooru

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