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"Is there going to be anyone with you for the birth?"

I shake my head, placing a hand on the huge bulge which is my nine month pregnant stomach. This doctor isn't my normal one, so she hasn't heard the whole single pregnant teen mom story before. I'll spare her the details, I'm sure she's heard it before.

"Family, friends, anything?" She presses, seeming concerned.

"Nope just me," I smile slightly, "I've always been a lone wolf." I joke.

"Alright then," she smiles faintly, obviously put off by my independence. I guess some people really are set in their traditional views, "If that's all, then you're good to go."

I nod, taking my time to get off the chair, placing my swollen feet onto the floor as I wobble out of the doctors office.

I walk outside the office, as I knock into another person. I stumble, nearly falling on the ground, when someone catches my wrist.

"T-Thanks," I mumble, as I turn to look up at who caught me. My lips turn upwards into a grin as I see the person, "Kageyama, long time no see."

"No way, (Y/N)?" He looks from my eyes to my stomach, then back, "You- You're pregnant?"

I nod patting my stomach lightly, "Seems so huh?"

He smiles softly, as he begins to extend a hand to touch my stomach, and looks to me for confirmation. I nod, as he places a warm hand on my stomach. His eyes widen as he grins, "How long?"

"I'm due in a couple weeks," I smile, "I feel like I'm about to pop."

He nods, "Where are you headed?" He asks, not yet removing his hand.

"No where special," I nod, "I was going to get something to eat actually."

"Mind if I join?" He asks, "I just got off practice, we should catch up."

I nod, as we walk side by side to a curry restaurant on the corner. He tells me about playing for his college team, and how he's liking school. I look at how he's grown. He's no longer an underclassmen for me to tease, he's grown up, and grown up cute. He's gotten at least two heads taller since I last saw him, and his face looks mature, like a man, not a teenage boy. He's gotten even cuter, I always teased him about his messy hair, but now it looks nice, boyish, but something about it suits him. He keeps talking, bits of laughter poking through his story, the same laughter from middle school. One of my favorite laughs, it used to be rare, you had to work him to get a laugh, but now it seems like he's more easygoing, he smiles more, laughs more. Just like when he was playing on that one team in high school. Karasuno. Something that team did made him better, happier, and I loved it. So did he, regardless of whether he'd admit it or not.

"So do I know the lucky dad?" He asks suddenly, snapping me back to reality. I always hate this question. I struggle for a split second, debating whether or not to actually tell him.

"No, no," I laugh convincingly, "He's no one you've met."

"(Y/N)-chan, wake up," a soft voice whispers in my ear, I smile immediately, knowing whose voice is waking me up.

I rise up slowly, opening my eyes slightly, as sunlight warms my face. I squint through the light and sit up, the plush comforter pooling up at my waist. Tooru lays by my side, still in his pajamas, a smirk on his face. I search around for Seiji, before giving Tooru a questioning glance.

"Seiji's watching cartoons downstairs," he explains, "I was wondering what you wanted for breakfast, I'll cook-"

"Can I take a shower?" I interrupt, realizing I never took one last night.

"Only if you let me join you," He smirks playfully. I slap his arm gently, and roll my eyes, "Okay, okay," he sighs, "You take a shower and I'll make breakfast?"

I nod, smiling, "Thanks."

He lingers for a moment, contemplating, before going into it. He leans in, pressing his lips against mine, resting a hand on my leg above the blankets. I can feel the warmth of his body through the comforter as he holds our kiss, his hand moving from my leg to my neck, one of my most sensitive spots. He knows that already of course. I smile at the touch, almost ticklish, but there's too much lust to be so innocent. He pulls away, smiling, not a proud smile, but one of genuine happiness. He gets up and walks to the door, looking back at me with an almost embarrassed look. It shoots energy through my whole body, coercing me to leaving the warmth of the bed.

I swing my legs off the bed, and turn my body to face the bathroom, suddenly remembering about my hand. I suck in a breath as I bring my hand to my lap. I will myself to make a fist, as my body allows it. I watch my fingers loosen and contract in time with my demands, as relief washes over me. I release my breath, sighing deeply as I check my opposite hand as well as my other limbs. Everything seems to be in order. Thank goodness.

I make my way to the bathroom, closing the door softly behind me, and turning towards the shower. I turn the knob all the way to the side, as water shoots out, and steam almost immediately fogs the mirror. I take off the clothes Tooru lent me, as they pile on the ground. And quickly step into the shower, the hot water warming my body to its core. I let the water rush over me, not wanting to get out, as water trickles from my hair down the curve of my back. I let my muscles relax, as my breathing evens out and I enter an almost meditative state. I feel completely safe, comfortable, for the first time in a while. Obviously not just the shower, it's him, the aura he gives off, the space he creates for me. The space he creates for our family, and a soundless promise that this isn't just temporary, and he's dedicated to maintaining whatever this is. It's something I'm not used to, but I'm dedicated to maintaining it too, because even I know chances like this are far and few between.

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