Let It Go (Fourth Book in the TNB Series)

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Here it is; the fourth book in the TNB series, Let It Go.

So here it goes. There is a lot of A/N's throughout the story just to inform people of minor characters casting.

Thanks CimFamDirectioner143 aka Rosie for some of the ideas of this story. I was stuck for the plot and she told me some of her ideas for it so it's gonna help so I'm dedicating this prologue to her :) She's also awesome too.



"New York." 

Ryley Berry stared at the sights around her as she sat in the back of the taxi from JFK Airport to Bushwick Apartment Building. Over the summer, all her clothes, personal items and other things were moved to the new apartment that she will be sharing with her boyfriend and possible love of her life, Ryder Lynn. All his clothes and personal belongings were there so all they had with them in their suitcases were a few other forgotten items.

"I can't believe this is where we are going to be living for the next four years or more." Ryder says with a smile in the seat next to her.

Ryley smiles at Ryder, "I'm so excited. I can actually live closer to my sister and cousin."

In the apartment next to their small one bedroom apartment, was a three bedroom larger apartment that was owned by Ryley's sort of sister, Rachel Hudson (nee Berry), Rachel's husband, Finn Hudson, Finn's step brother, Kurt Hummel, Kurt's fiance (and Ryley's cousin), Blaine Anderson, their good friend, Santana Lopez and Santana's girlfriend, Danielle 'Dani' Henderson.

"And we can finally live out our lives together." Ryder says with a smile, grabbing Ryley's hand and squeezing it lightly. She smiles at their hands then she smiles at him. She pecks his lips quickly then returns her attention to the views of New York. She sees all the people filling the busy streets, dressed in suits or dresses or just casual clothes.

She'll be one of those people, walking the streets of New York soon. 

"First time in New York?" The cabbie asks.

"No. My sister and cousin live here." Ryley answers.

"Are you visiting them?" The cabbie asks.

"No. We're moving here for college." Ryder answers.

"You two a couple?" The cabbie asks.

"Yeah." Ryley says, giving Ryder a smile. He smiles back.

The cabbie looks in the mirror that can see his passengers, "Cute couple."

"Thanks." Ryley and Ryder say at the same time.

"You two are going to love New York." The cabbie says. He pulls up in front of the Bushwick building, gets out of the car and gets Ryley and Ryder's suitcases out of the back.

Ryder gets out first as he's closer to the curve side. He keeps his door open as Ryley slides to Ryder's side and out of the taxi.

Ryder pays the cabbie then the cabbie is gone, driving down the busy street of New York City. 

"Let's get inside." Ryder says, picking up his suitcase and using his free hand to grab onto Ryley's hand as she grabs her own suitcase. They carry their suitcases inside and up the lift. They then arrive on their floor and Ryder takes his keys out and unlocks the apartment door, sliding it open.

Ryley steps in first and looks around their apartment. It's just like the main New York gangs one next door just smaller. Maybe the living room and kitchen/dining room are the same size but there's only one door to a bedroom that has a bathroom joining onto it that can only be accesed by the bedroom.

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