Chapter 12 ~ Almost Christmas

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Just a random filler chapter before the Klaine wedding in the next chapter.



Literally, over 10 hours ago, Ryder popped the question to Ryley. She said yes. They left back to New York a few hours 

So now, Ryley lays in bed with Ryder's arms around her, both being undressed and under the covers. Ryder draws circles with his finger on Ryley's shoulder that his hand rests on. He places soft kisses on head and keeps her close to him.

Ryley's hand rests on Ryder's muscular chest and she has her other hand on her side. She felt her engagement ring on her ring finger on her left hand and she smiled.

"What're you smiling about?" Ryder asks, looking down at Ryley with a small smile on his face.

"We're engaged. Can you believe that?" Ryley asks.

"I can't believe it but it's an amazing feeling." Ryder says.

"It really is." Ryley says. She sits up, holding the sheet to her chest. She then grabs Ryder's t-shirt sitting at the end of their bed and then grabs her undies off the ground.

"What are you doing?" Ryder asks, sitting up with the sheet cover his junk.

"I need food," Ryley says, getting off the bed after putting her undies on, "You want some too?"

Ryder reaches onto the floor and picks up his Batman boxers, "Yup, I need food."

Ryley smiles at her fiance and exits their bedroom with him following her. They walk into the little kitchen beside their living room. Ryley opens up the fridge and takes out a carton of juice and she opens it up to drink from it but Ryder grabs it from her first and drinks from the carton. She then takes it from him and drinks from it.

Ryder grabs a piece of cold pizza from the fridge as Ryley drinks from the carton. She then puts the carton back into the fridge and she pulls out a slice of a different type of pizza that was sitting in the same box Ryder got his slice from.

The two eat their silces in front of each other then they finish and go to bed, getting into a comfortable cuddling position.

"Good night, fiance." Ryley says.

"Good night, my love." Ryder says and kisses her head before the fall asleep slowly together.


Ryley walks into the Spotlight Diner on the Sunday morning following Ryley and Ryder's engagement. She's been almost engaged for a day and it still feels amazing to her.

As soon as she enters the basically empty Diner, Kurt, Santana and Dani rush up to her.

"We want to see the ring, girl." Kurt says.

Ryley smiles and holds her left hand out. Kurt, Santana and Dani look at it in awe.

"Rachel mentioned there's a lyric inside of it." Dani says.

Ryley takes the ring off her finger, "It's a lyric from No One's Gonna Love You by Band of Horses."

"So beautiful." Santana says, studying the lyric written in fancy font. 

"I know. I adore it." Ryley says as she is passed back the ring to place on her ring finger of her left hand. 

They all begin to get to sorting the Diner out for the day since it generally gets popular once people have been to church and wanting breakfast. Angie comes bursting through the door, her arms wide and in the air.

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