Chapter 14 ~ It's Christmas Time! And The Day After Christmas!

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Ryley woke up with her head resting on Ryder's chest that was covered by a grey pajama t-shirt. She herself was wearing a light blue long sleeve top and checkered pajama shorts. As her eyes fluttered open on Ryder's chest, she felt a feeling of happiness in her stomach; it's Christmas day.

She smiles at the realisation then looks up at her fiance of a week. He's not the most attractive sleeper with his mouth wide open and a little drop of drool dripping from the corner of his mouth. She sees his eyes quickly open then close again.

"You're staring." Ryder mumbles, his voice still waking up.

"I'm gazing." Ryley says, smiling.

"It's creepy." Ryder mumbles.

"It's romantic." Ryley says.

Ryder then opens his eyes and looks down at Ryley, "Good morning, beautiful."

"Merry Christmas, handsome." Ryley says.

Ryder then places his hand on Ryley's cheek, stroking her cheek gently with his thumb. He then pulls her up for a kiss which ends up with him flipping her over so he's on top, kissing her with his hand still cupping her cheek.

In the midst of their making out, they don't hear the door sliding open and shut. They don't hear the footsteps through their apartment and the hushed whisper between two people. Their bedroom door then slides open and someone comes rushing in and jumps on their bed.

"Merry Christmas, lovebirds!" A voice shouts. Angie sits on the edge of the bed with a smile on her face. She's wearing pajama t-shirt with Spongebob on it under an unzipped jacket and a pair of long pink checkered pajama pants. Gabe stands nearby, wearing a Superman pajama shirt under his unzipped hoodie and Batman pajama pants.

"Why are you in pajamas and in our apartment?" Ryley asks, sitting up once Ryder's gone onto his side of the bed.

"Well, one, pajamas are an essential for Christmas and two, I wanted to give you guys a wake up call for Christmas but I see that already happened with the making out and all." Angie says, smiling.

Ryley picks up her pillow from her side of the bed and throws it at Angie.

"Such a cockblock, Angela McGraw." Ryder mumbles, laying back down.

"Don't call me Angela, Lynn or I will cut you." Angie says, pointing a strict finger at Ryder.

"And that makes me totally scared." Ryder says.

"She will cut you, Ryd." Ryley says.

Ryder sits up quickly, "How?"

"I have my ways." Angie says, getting off the bed and walking to Gabe's side.

"We brought presents for you guys and for each other. They're currently sitting in the living room and that is where I shall drag Angie out of the room to let you two wake up properly." Gabe says and grabs his girlfriends hand to pull her out of the room.

"Well, we should probably get up." Ryley says.

"One more kiss?" Ryder asks, doing what looks like duck lips but he signals to his lips for her to kiss them.

Ryley puts her hands on his cheeks and pulls him in for a kiss. It lasts a while, leaving both breathless. She then smiles at him once they part and she heads out to the living room.

Ryder smiles and follows his fiance out into the living room to be with their friends. Gabe seems to have found Ryley's guitar and he sits in an arm chair while Angie sits in the arm chair she pulled to sit next to him. Ryley sits on the couch so Ryder sits next to her and puts an arm over her shoulder.

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