Chapter 1 ~ Habits, Enemies & Classes

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I'm glad you guys are enjoying this and wanting more. I'm still stuck for the proper plot and actually getting ideas for this but I'm going to make this longer than Don't Give Up On Us Now and Falling From Cloud Nine but probably not as long as the original New Berry story.


"...And then Alice told me that I can't be more talented than her." Ryley explains to Ryder while they eat macaroni and cheese for dinner at their small square table in the kitchen.
"Well, she clearly can't admit defeat." Ryder says.
"I'm going to beat her this year and she is going to admit I am more talented and that others can be more talented than her," Ryley says, "So how was your day?"
"Football went fine. I got tackled pretty badly by the quarterback who is a chick called Hannah." Ryder says.
"They have a female quarterback?" Ryley asks.
"Yeah. She's really good. She didn't tell me much but I just found her taking her helmet off after Coach Hamilton was talking to her and we were all told she's called Hayden," Ryder says, "She's also British and has a British boyfriend."
"British people are so cool like One Direction, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Billie Piper, Miranda Hart, Little Mix, Matt Smith and Ed Sheeran. Oh, Timothy Dalton is pretty awesome too." Ryley explains.
"Timothy Dalton was one of the Bonds, right?" Ryder asks, eating a mouthful of mac and cheese.
"He was?" Ryley asks.
"Yeah," Ryder says, "How do you know of him?"
"I think he's in Doctor Who at one stage but I'm not up to that. I just know him from Chuck when he played the coolest bad guy, Alexei Volkoff." Ryley says.
"I always thought the coolest Chuck villian was Daniel Shaw." Ryder says.
Ryley gasps, "How dare you mention his name? He almost killed Sarah twice and he actually killed Chuck's dad. Plus, he got in between Chuck and Sarah." 
"Sorry, babe." Ryder says.
"It's cool. I just don't like him." Ryley says.
The subject gets changed to other things in life and they just talk at the table for a while even when they're not eating.


It begins raining later in the evening. It's heavily pouring while the couple lay in bed. 
"I hate the rain." Ryley complains, wide awake and staring at the ceiling.
"It's actually quite comforting." Ryder says, laying on his side facing Ryley.
"No it is not." Ryley says.
"Just ignore it." Ryder says.
"How can I ignore it?" Ryley asks.
"I don't know. How did you survive with it back in Lima?" Ryder asks.
Ryley sits up in bed and reaches onto her bed side table. She grabs her iPhone and earphones. She puts her earphones in and plugs them into her iPhone. She begins playing music, starting with Rat A Tat by Fall Out Boy feat Courtney Love. She plays quite loudly to ignore the rain. It annoys Ryder though, as he can still hear it.
"Can you turn it down?" Ryder asks.
"What?" Ryley asks, her voice loud.
Ryder gestures for her to take an earphone out. She does so.
"What?" Ryley repeats.
"Can you turn your music down? I can't sleep because it's so loud." Ryder asks.
"Well, it helps me sleep when it's raining at night." Ryley says.
"It's not helping me though," Ryder says, "Either you turn it off or I sleep on the couch with you alone in here."
Ryley takes a moment then turns her iPhone off and puts it on her bed side table. She then cuddles into Ryder's side. It goes silent suddenly outside.
"There, it's stopped raining." Ryder says.
"Good." Ryley says, resting her head on Ryder's chest.


Ryley's second day at Julliard goes alright. It would've been better than the first but then she had dance class in the afternoon. She was grateful that her good friend from the New Directions, Jake Puckerman, was filling in for their teacher, Ms Burton, who was currently out of town.
Jake ended up being Ryley's dance partner and it kept Ryley away from Alice, who was in this class too.
"So how's New York been for you?" Jake asks Ryley as they dance in among the other students.
"It's been good for the week I've been living here," Ryley says, "You and Marley still going strong?"
"Yup. We're still in love and happy." Jake says with a smile.
"That's good. I think you guys are awesome together." Ryley says.
"Thanks. Same with you and Ryder." Jake says.
Ryley smiles in thanks. She then looks around the room and sees Alice watching her with a glare while dancing with a tall dark skinned bald boy. The boy is focused on the dance with Alice while she watches Ryley and Jake with a glare.
"What's up with the blonde glaring at us?" Jake asks.
"Yesterday, on my first day at Julliard, we had vocal class together. Do you know Mr Patel?" Ryley asks.
"Yeah. I had him last year since I took a vocal class after Marley basically begged me to. Why?" Jake asks.
"Well, he's my teacher this year and I was one of the two picked to be in one of those random selection sing offs he has. Alice Stone was the other. I did better than her and I think she feels threatened by my talent because according to her, no one can be more talented than her." Ryley explains.
"I need to hear this Alice singing to make that judgement." Jake says.
"Mr Patel already did," Ryley says with a smirk, "I'm better."
Jake smiles and laughs a bit.
"It's good to talk to you again, Jake. I feel like we should have talked more back at McKinley." Ryley says.
"Now we can but I'm a year older still and Ms Burton only wants me to sometimes help out with the freshman dance class." Jake says.
"That's awesome that you have the chance to help out." Ryley says.
"It is," Jake says then claps his hands together, ending the dance, "Class, gather up."
Alice walks up to Ryley, "What's up with you and Jake?"
"We were in the same high school Glee Club and we're friends. My boyfriend is also a good friend of his." Ryley answers.
"I didn't actually care," Alice says, "I just thought you were kissing up to him to get good marks already for this class. Just so you know, I'm an award winning dancer."
"What'd you win? A participation trophy?" Ryley says with a smile at her own joke.
Alice's mouth is wide open and she then closes it, glaring at Ryley, "You've made an enemy out of me, Berry."
"I thought that happened yesterday." Ryley says.
Alice folds her arms and glares at Ryley who just goes with the class to listen to Jake.

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