Chapter 13 ~ Kledding

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A couple of days and it's a Thursday aka Christmas Eve. Most people would be getting ready for Christmas and doing last minute Christmas shopping but not a large group of people with majority from Lima. This group of people are all attending the marriage of Kurt Hummel and Blaine Anderson or as some call them, Klaine.

In the Hudson-Lopez-Anderson-Hummel-Henderson apartment, Kurt stands in front of a mirror in the living room. He fixes up his black tie, straightens out his white suit top and brushes some dust off his black suit pants. His maid of honour, Rachel, stands in her light blue dress next to Kurt, helping his look good. The bridesmaids, Santana, Mercedes, Quinn, Dani and Ryley, sit on the couch in dresses just like Rachel's; strapless, simple and to the knee.

The maid of honour and bridesmaids wear matching high heels (or in Ryley's case, flats due to the fact she has bad experiences with heels eg; when she tripped up in high heels right in front of Ryder when she was trying to impress him which resulted in her spraining her ankle a little). 

"So little Berry, I hear you're engaged to Ryder." Mercedes says.

"I am." Ryley says with a smile.

"Congratulations." Quinn says with a smile.

"Yeah, congratulations." Mercedes says.

"Thanks." Ryley says, smiling more.

Kurt turns around and sighs, "I am both excited and nervous."

"Don't worry. I felt the same way when I married Finn and look how we are now; we're happy and in love." Rachel says, reassuring her best friend and gently placing a hand on his shoulder.

"Just think about it this way, Kurt," Dani says, "At the end of the aisle in a church, will be the man you are in love with you and he's just waiting to marry you and be with you till you're old and wrinkly."

Kurt places his hands on his face and mumbles, "I don't want to be wrinkly. My porcelain skin won't look good wrinkly." 

"Don't worry about wrinkles now. Don't worrry about anything, Kurt." Mercedes says.

"I know. I can't worry. I'm getting married. This is going to be the best day of my life." Kurt says, sighing into a smile.

"That's the spirit." Rachel says, patting Kurt's shoulder.

There's a knock at the door and Santana goes to answer it. She steps out of the way for whoever is at the door. Burt Hummel and Carole Hudson-Hummel walk into and Burt immediately stops at the sight of his son. Burt looks like he's gonna cry at the sight of Kurt.

"Hey dad." Kurt says with a smile.

"My son. My only son is getting married." Burt says with a smile and his eyes beginning to water.

Carole begins to wipe away her husbands tears and gives him a small hug.

Burt sniffs, "Your mother would be so proud of you. I betcha that she is looking down on you right now and smiling. She's smiling because her son is getting married to the man he loves."

"Thanks dad." Kurt says and gives his dad a hug.

"Come on. Don't let one of the grooms ruin his light layer of make up from tears," Santana says, "We have a wedding to go to." 

The Kurt-Groom party live the apartment with Kurt carrying a bouquet. He wasn't going for a total bride style for his party but having a bouquet is a large part of a wedding. With Burt and Carole taking a seperate car to the church, Ryley, Rachel, Santana, Dani, Quinn and Mercedes get into the limo with Kurt to head to the church.

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