Chapter 8 ~ Romantic Songs & School

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Like I have done in all my TNB stories, THERE IS AN IMPORTANT QUESTIONNAIRE THAT MUST BE FILLED IN BY AT LEAST FIVE PEOPLE! It will be in the end author's note.

Also, I feel like dedicating chapters to people. But who? And why should I dedicate the chapters to them?



Ryder sat alone in a booth at the Spotlight the next day, a Wednesday after school. He was listening to music on his iPod and playing games on his phone. He sipped on his glass of coca-cola through a straw. Ryley was working around the place and sometimes just come by and gave him a kiss.

He liked just waiting around for her and hanging around the dinner. When he began to get bored of games like Flappy Birds, Subway Surfers and Dumb Ways To Die, he went onto the internet and like the other day, he searched up 'cool engagement rings'.

"What're you doing?" A voice asks, rushing up to him. He locks his screen quickly and looks up at Ryley who has a smile on her face.

"I was just going to uh, I was playing Flappy Birds." Ryder says.

Ryley slides into the seat next to him, "What's your high score?"

"Um, 30." Ryder says.

"That is way better than anything I can do," Ryley says, "My high score is like 6 but I've only played it once or twice."  

"You can do better than that, babe." Ryder says.

"Then can I have a try on your phone?" Ryley asks, reaching for his phone. Ryder instantly panicks because he locked it on the page of cool engagement rings.

"Um, sorry. The battery just died." Ryder says.

"Oh, that sucks." Ryley says.

"Yeah, it does. I might have to head home, put it on charge and I'll by later." Ryder says.

"Okay," Ryley smiles and pecks Ryder's cheek, "I'll see you later. Love you."

"Love you too." Ryder says. Ryley gets out of the seat first and waits for Ryder to get out. She then puts her hand on the back of his neck and pulls him down for a kiss. It lasts a while and Ryder is left breathless, walking away and out of the diner.


Ryder returns a while later, close to Ryley's shift ending. It's getting close to 8pm and the Diner is only containing a few waitresses/waiters (including Angie, Kurt and Rachel), a cook and a few drunken and crying customers, drinking coffee and complaining to waitresses about how their lives went wrong.

Ryley sits at a piano that's set up on the stage and is playing a song she had been recently practicing often. Ryder walks up to her and stands at the end of the piano.

"Wanna sing?" Ryder asks.

"I was hoping we could." Ryley says with a smile. She begins to play the song again from the start.


You tell all the boys no

Makes you feel good, yeah

I know you're out of my league

But that won't scare me away, oh no

You've carried on so long

You couldn't stop if you tried it

You've built your wall so high

That no one could climb it

Let It Go (Fourth Book in the TNB Series)Where stories live. Discover now