Chapter 23 ~ Hospitals & Upstaging the Enemy

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Hasn't it been a while since the alleyway drama that happened to Ryder and Blaine, dear reader? So now, you may find out what happened to the two afterwards...


At around the same time Ryder was being taken away in on a gurney with Blaine on the one next to him in the same ambulance, Ryley was working a shift at the Spotlight Diner with Angie - who always wants shifts with Ryley. Kurt was having a girls night out with Rachel back at their Bushwick Apartment while Dani was at Roller Derby practice and Santana was attending a dance class.
Angie had ordered herself a burger with fries and a chocolate milkshake for a dinner break while Ryley was taking orders. Once the orders were taken, Ryley began to wipe the counter clean in front of Angie, who began to purposely drip ketchup from her burger and from on top of fries onto the counter.
"Seriously, Angie?" Ryley asks, stopping her cleaning to glare at her best friend.
"You need to clean for a reason. I'm just helping with you having something to actually clean." Angie says with a shrug and mouthful of burger. Ryley just simply rolls her eyes in response and continues to clean the mess up that Angie is making.
Her phone begins to ring from her apron after a moment, playing No One's Gonna Love You softly along with soft buzzing. She takes it out and sees the caller who was assigned the ringtone; Ryder, with his adorable smiling face as the caller ID photo. She smiles and presses the green button to answer it.
"Hey babe. What's up?" Ryley asks.
"Is this Ryley?" A deep male voice that doesn't belong to Ryder says on the other end.
Ryley feels herself go from smiling to frowning, "Yes, I'm Ryley Berry. Who is this?"
"I'm Doctor Gillies, a doctor at New York City Medical Centre." The deep male voice says.
"Why do you have my fiance's phone?" Ryley asks, her worry becoming stronger and stronger.
"Your fiance, Mr Ryder Lynn, is currently here at the medical centre after being found with another man, who doesn't have his phone on him, beaten up in an alleyway near the Bushwick Apartment Building. He didn't have a pass code on his phone so we unlocked it and went into recent contacts with you at the top." Doctor Gillies says. 
Ryley gulps, "is Ryder okay?"
"He's received some deep cuts and large bruising. So has his friend." Doctor Gillies says.
"Who's his friend?" Ryley asks, feeling herself becoming worried over Ryder and whoever his friend is.
There's some murmuring in the background then Doctor Gillies' deep voice returns to the phone, "Mr Blaine Anderson-Hummel. Do you know him? And if you do, would you mind contacting someone close to him?"
"Yes, he's my cousin." Ryley says and as Doctor Gillies begins to carry on into some deep medical talk about Ryder and Blaine's injuries, she takes her notepad out from her apron with a pen and writes down quickly and messily Ryder and Blaine at NYC Medical Centre after being beaten up. Call Kurt, pushing it towards Angie.
Angie immediately takes out her phone and calls Kurt, telling Kurt about where Blaine is. Kurt asks Angie questions but the curly haired girl just gives small answers about how she doesn't know really anything about what's going on. She's off the phone soon with Kurt wanting to get to the hospital quickly.
Ryley continued listening, feeling herself become more worried and sadder as more medical talk about the damages to Ryder and Blaine are told to her. All she wants is to go see the man she loves and stand by his bed side until he wakes up.
"I'm guessing you'll want to see him." Doctor Gillies eventually asks.
"Yes, I have to see him." Ryley says.
"He's just in the process of getting some stitches and patched up. He might be done in a few minutes so you might as well begin to make you way here." Doctor Gillies says.
"I'll be there as soon as I can," Ryley says, "Thank you for calling me."
"No problem. See you soon." Doctor Gillies says then the line goes dead, telling Ryley he hung up.
"We have to go to the hospital." Ryley says, taking off her apron and heading into the backroom to grab her hoodie and bag.
"How are we going to leave our shifts?" Angie asks.
"The truth." Ryley says.
"Man, I hate the truth." Angie says with a slight pout.
"Come on," Ryley says, "Get your apron off and we better get going."
Angie takes her apron off, grabs her jacket and bag then follows Ryley out the Spotlight Diner door after Ryley tells the current shift manager about what's going on.


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