Chapter 24 ~ Frozen

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Possibly the 2nd to last chapter of Let It Go. This will be about the first Frozen performances then the next chapter's going to finish off a storyline or two



"Tomorrow is our opening night, everyone," Evan announces to the cast as he walks onto the stage, clapping his hands together, "Today, we fix up any little problems whether it being lines, song lyrics, costumes or anything else."

Ryley finishes up going over lines with Ryder and even the Kristoff understudy, Charlie. She sits with them, repeating lines continuously. She then practices some lines with Blake and they do an acapella version of Love Is An Open Door to know the song off by heart.

Rachel is hanging around, practicing songs with the audio playing and trying on the white wig she'll have to wear as Elsa along with the dresses. Ryley does the same but she doesn't end up having to wear a wig as they're just put in the streak that Anna has in her hair.

"How do I look?" Rachel asks, doing a little pose in her hair and make up chair with the wig on.

"Looking good, my sister," Ryley says, "What about my beautiful streak?"

"Awesome." Rachel says with a smile.

Ryder enters the hair and make up room with his normally perfectly combed dirty blonde hair scruffed up under Kristoff's signature beanie.

"Looking sexy, Ryd." Ryley comments from her spot once she spots her fiance.

"Thanks," Ryder says, smiling at the comment Ryley gave him, "Looking beautiful, my darling fiancee." He goes over and kisses her head, putting a hand on her shoulder as he does. Ryley grabs onto his hand, squeezing it.

"I'm feeling really nervous about the show tomorrow." Ryley says, once letting go of Ryder's hand. Ryder's hand keeps staying on her shoulder.

"You'll do amazing, babe." Ryder says, squeezing her shoulder in a supportive way.

"I felt the same way before Funny Girl but I went out there and I performed my heart out." Rachel says.

"And you did awesome." Ryley says.

"You will too. Just believe in yourself." Rachel says.

Ryley looks straight ahead, looking at her reflection in the mirror and takes a deep breath. She can do this and she will be amazing.


The next day, only a few hours before the show begins,  Ryley decides to walk around the backstage area. She goes onto a surprisingly empty stage. She expected there to be crew putting the last few adjustments on the set for the opening scene.

She just thinks about everything that has brought her to this moment, starting from the day she found out she was actually a good singer which was back when she auditioned for Glee Club. She thanks all of the amazing things that have happened in her life from being in Glee Club to Rachel, who was the one who forced her to audition. Ryley could never have wished for a better sister.

She looks out into the theatre, which in a few hours will be filled an audience mixed with Frozen fans, critics and her friends and family. Her dads' are coming from Lima just to see their daughters performing on the opening night. 

"Ryley?" A voice calls her away from her thoughts from the side of the stage.

Ryley looks towards whoever spoke to her to see Ryder in full outfit for the first time adult - not child - Kristoff appears. 

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