Chapter 7 ~ Small Troubles In Paradise & Happiness

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So this story is going along quite slowly. That is because I'm having problems with the full plot for this story but I did edit the description for this story.



After a long day at school on Monday, Ryley put her bag on the ground of the living room then went into her bedroom. She grabbed her laptop and brought it into the living room, sitting it on her lap as she sat on the couch. She turned it on then opened up Skype. She saw the person she wanted to talk to pop up on the online list. She then clicked video chat next to the person's name. Then the screen shows a certain person's face and Ryley smiles.

"Zachary Allen." Ryley says.

"Ryley Berry." Zach says with a smile. 

"Long time no see, old chum." Ryley says.

"Back at you," Zach says, "So how's your life?"

"Pretty awesome. I've got my first Broadway role in Frozen as Anna. They're casting all the other roles minus Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and Hans this week and rehearsals begin next week." Ryley explains.

"That's awesome." Zach says.

"Yeah it is," Ryley says, "So how's Lima?"

"Boring as hell. The only good things is Lucy being an awesome girlfriend and our relationship being amazing. There's also Glee Club." Zach says. Lucy Robertson has been Zach's girlfriend for a while now and they're pretty much perfect for each other.

"How is Glee Club under Nick Michaels' leadership?" Ryley asks. Nick Michaels took over for Finn when Finn moved to New York. Nick's graduated from University of Lima, like Finn, with a teaching degree so he's fit to be a Glee Club coach with his knowledge of music but he lacks in being an actual singer.

"It's going well. We've got some new Glee Club members and they're pretty talented. Not as talented as you, Angie, Gabe and Natalie though." Zach says.

"Does everyone miss us?" Ryley asks with a smile.

"Some like Lucy, Samantha, Nate and I." Zach answers.

"That kind of makes me feel important." Ryley says.

"Glee Club's good though. We're getting for Sectionals in less than a month and I think we are almost ready for it." Zach says.

"Do you have a setlist?" Ryley asks.

"That's the thing. We only have two songs which are a solo by yours truly and a duet by Samantha and Nate. We don't have a group number yet." Zach says.

"I actually have some ideas. Want me to get my list?" Ryley asks.

Zach shakes his head with a smile, "You are so organised but where's this list?" Zach asks.

"Well, it would be rude of me to access my Gmail on this laptop talking to you so I might as well go grab Ryder's." Ryley says then gets up to get Ryder's laptop. She opens it up beside her laptop on the coffee table. 

"Found it?" Zach asks.

"Nope," Ryley says, "Let me just check history for Gmail cause Ryder never bookmarks anything." 

Ryley clicks onto History to see it completely empty. She feels confused.

"What's up?" Zach asks.

"Ryder nevers deletes his history. He's always too lazy and can't be bothered which is another reason he never bookmarks thngs. He's hiding something from me." Ryley says.

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