Chapter 10 ~ More Rivalry & Frozen Rehearsals Begin

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Frozen rehearsals have begun, guys! You excited?



Ryley enters her Monday morning vocal class. In a matter of hours, she'll be heading to the theatre to practice for Frozen. She sits down in her normal seat in the small auditorium and waits for others to arrive. Angie is one of the first in and she rushes to seat next to Ryley.

"Aren't you excited for Frozen?" Angie asks, sitting next to Ryley.

"You seem almost as excited as me." Ryley says.

"Well, it's pretty awesome," Angie says, "I have some big news."

"And that is?" Ryley asks.

"Gabe and I are planning on posting our first McHanratty cover to YouTube in the next day or two so I need your help with getting out to the world. And since you're kind of friends with Zachary freaking Levi because of the multiple times you've met and you follow each other on Twitter, can you get him to tweet the video to his fans?" Angie asks.

"He only has like over five thousand followers." Ryley says.

"That's way more than I have. I have like 100 maybe." Angie says.

"And I have almost 400." Ryley says.

"You can tweet it too then." Angie says.

"I'll do it. I promise. Just text me when you've posted it." Angie says.

Angie gives her best friend a hug, "This is why you are my best friend."

"Because I'll make sure to tweet your video to get more views on it?" Ryley asks as they part from their hug.

"No, because you support my dreams and I support yours." Angie says with a smile. Ryley smiles back. More of their class comes in, sitting down in different places. Mr Patel comes from backstage. One of the last lots to arrive is Alice with her followers.

"Ugh, they're like the plastics from Mean Girls." Ryley says.

"Or like Bree and her followers from McKinley." Angie says.

"I feel like you still have some pent up rage against Bree. Do you?" Ryley asks.

"Of course I do! Would you be pissed at someone if they drenched you in pigs blood in front of the entire Junior and Senior student body just to get back at the fact 'dorks can be nominated for prom queen'?" Angie says.

"I would. I get why you're still pissed at Bree. Maybe when we go back to McKinley on Wednesday, we could get revenge then." Ryley says.

Alice appears in the row of seats in front of Ryley and Angie, hands on her hips and smirk on her face.

"What do you want, Barbie?" Angie asks.

"I have a name, McGraw." Alice says.

"Yeah, I know that." Angie says.

Alice rolls her eyes and looks at Ryley with a smirk, "I just wanted you to know that I've scored a role on Broadway."

"Really? Will you be working on lighting or sound?" Ryley asks, smirking back.

"No. I'm going to be your understudy," Alice says, "So that means if you get sick, injured or just happen to not appear before a show, I'll be filling in for you." Alice smirks then walks to where her friends are sitting in the front row.

"Can I kill her?" Ryley asks.

"Killing people is not okay, Ryley even if she is a complete bitch." Angie says.

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