Chapter 18 ~ A New Friend & Wedding Stuff

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So the questionnaire answers gave me a few ideas so I'm just going to write and see what happens.



Ryley arrived home after school and slid the door to a shut behind her. The confrontation was just this morning and she can still feel the affects from it. She feels a bit angry still, her mind still reliving the moment her hand connected with Alice's cheek, slapping her hard. 

Ryley's hand hurt for a while after the slap. It went red and for a moment she thought is was even throbbing. Alice has a hard face.

A little part of Ryley was go to Alice next time she sees her and apologize but that is not going to happen. Alice Stone is a bitch and deserved to be slapped right across the face. She tried to kiss Ryder! She deserves to be slapped as hard as slaps come.

"So how was school?" Ryder asks, coming out from the bedroom with a smile on his face. He must have got home first.

"Alright. The only interesting thing that happened was me slapping Alice." Ryley says.

"You slapped Alice? Why?" Ryder asks.

"She tried to kiss you and that made me pissed so I slapped her." Ryley says.

"Is that all you did?" Ryder asks.

"And I shouted at her. And swore." Ryley says.

"Babe, you didn't have to do that." Ryder says, putting his arms around her and pulling her to his chest.

"I did," Ryley says into his chest, "I've been wanting to since the first day of school when she just came up to me and Angie and said she's going to be the best in the class." 

"Clearly she isn't." Ryder says, putting his hand on the back of head and lightly stroking her hair followed by him placing a kiss on her head.


Ryley heads down to the a few streets to where Blaine works. She's got work in an hour so she decides to visit her cousin before heading to the Diner which is only a few blocks away from the music store. It's a one floored store with records and CDs, music sheets, instruments and even a set up for performances to one side. It just looks like a typical music store.

Blaine's with a customer, showing the customer a guitar for sale, when Ryley walks in wearing her Spotlight Diner uniform. She just walks around, looking at song sheets and books for sale. 

"Can I help you?" A voice asks Ryley. She turns to see a reasonably handsome young man with sticking up dark brown hair and blue eyes. 

"I'm just waiting for my cousin." Ryley says.

"And who's that?" The man asks.

"Blaine Anderson." Ryley says.

"Oh." The man says.

"Ryley!" Blaine calls out, rushing over to his cousin.

"Hey Blainers." Ryley says and gives Blaine a hug.

The man coughs awkwardly to make Blaine introduce the two of them.

"Oh, right," Blaine says, "Ryley, this is Elliott Gilbert or Starchild as he calls himself on stage. He works here with me. Elliott, this is my cousin, Ryley Berry."

"Nice to meet you." Ryley says, sticking her hand out for Elliott to shake with a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you too. Blaine's talked about you before." Elliott says, shaking Ryley's hand.

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