Chapter 17 ~ Annoying Alice & The Cutesy Couple

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Mini-Questionnaire at the end that must be completed by about five people
Enjoy! (Also, a bit more language used in a certain part of the story than normal)


Ryley walks into the Frozen rehearsals after school the next day. She wears practice gear; t-shirt and baggy 3/4 track pants. Ryder's with her, wearing a singlet and shorts under his hoodie. Rachel and Blake are already there, waiting for them. The understudies are there too. Alice stands on the side, arms folded. 
"Ryley, Rachel," Evan says, rushing up to the two sisters, "Come meet the woman playing your mother. The man playing your father hasn't arrived yet." He places his hands on their backs and pushes them in the direction of woman, her back to them. The woman turns around and Rachel smiles at who it is.
"Shelby!" Rachel says, smiling and hugging her biological mother.
"You know each other?" Evan asks, pointing between Rachel and Shelby.
"Biological mother." Rachel says.
Evan turns to Ryley, "So she's your mother too?"
"No. I was adopted into the Berry family when I was 15." Ryley says.
"Confusing family." Evan says.
"I know." Ryder quips from nearby. Ryley then smiles at her fiance and goes over to talk with him.
"So what do we start with today?" Rachel asks.
"I was thinking we could have the routine for Let It Go all sorted out first so that means we'll be focusing on you, Rachel. Your understudy, Lily will have to shadow your movements. Ryley and Ryder, you two go practice lines. Ryley understudy, Alice and Ryder's understudy, Charlie, will also practice lines. Blake, you work with some of the men for the Hans moments. Everyone else, lines or vocals. Got it?" Evan explains.
Everyone seems to get it and split into their respective areas. The instrumental of Let It Go begins to play and Rachel is singing along, going through the movements with the choreographer.
Ryley ignores Alice glaring at her as Ryley practices lines with Ryder, making sure they perfect their lines. As they get more comfortable, they do the actions that go with the lines. 
As time passes by, the lines begin to get learnt more. Alice seems extremely happy when it's decided that she and Ryder will rehearse lines while Ryley will rehearse with Charlie.
Charlie is tall, muscular, dark haired and dark eyes. He's attractive too (A/N: Charlie is portrayed by Alexander Koch).
"Should we be practising lines?" Charlie asks, holding the script in his hands.
"Uh, maybe." Ryley says, not looking at Charlie and keeping his eyes on Ryder and Alice. Alice does something that makes Ryder laugh and she laughs at something too. They seem to be enjoying each others company and that annoys Ryley.
"Ryley?" A voice asks bringing her away from her glaring at Alice. Ryley looks back at Charlie, who gestures to the script in his hands.
"Let's practice those lines." Ryley says. She opens up her script and she practices lines with Charlie. Occasionally, she looks over to Ryder and Alice.


Ryley and Ryder sit on the bus in silence after rehearsal. Ryder is texting Alice since they exchange numbers at rehearsal.
"So you and Alice are friends now?" Ryley asks, breaking the silence between them. Her arms are folded and she doesn't look impressed.
Ryder looks at his fiance to see the unimpressed look on her face, "You're not happy I'm becoming friends with Alice, right?"
Ryley is reluctant too but she nods.
"Alice and I just seem to get along and that's it." Ryder says.
"You're becoming quick besties though," Ryley says, "And if you become close enough friends that she ends up getting invited to our wedding, I will be so pissed."
"But what if we do become good friends though? It's always nice to invite good friends to weddings." Ryder says.
"I feel like Alice has an ulterior motive though." Ryley says.
"Do you think Alice has a crush on me?" Ryder asks.
Ryley looks at her feet and quietly mumbles, "Yes."
"I feel flattered by that but you are the girl I am in love with and who I'm going to be marrying. Who cares if Alice has a thing for me?" Ryder says.
"I do." Ryley interupts, quietly.
"Still, I am with you. Okay?" Ryder asks.
"Okay." Ryley says, nodding.
Ryder cups her cheek and gives her a kiss. He then gives her a smile when they part, "I love you."
"Love you too." Ryley says, placing her hand on the hand cupping her cheek.


The next day after school, Alice had sent Ryder a text, asking for him to meet her at the theatre where rehearsals normally happen for Frozen
Slowly, Ryder entered the theatre with his backpack over one shoulder. He made his way backstage and onto the stage. Alice is on the other side of the stage from him, talking to the band.
"Alice? What's going on?" Ryder asks.
Alice turns around with a smile, "I want to sing a duet with you. Kind of like a chemistry practice for Frozen since I am the understudy and you are the amazing male lead." 
Ryder feels a bit confused but he takes the kind of compliment, "Ah, thank you."
"So you want to sing with me or not?" Alice asks.
"Okay. What song?" Ryder asks.
Alice passes him a lyric sheet.
"I do have problems reading." Ryder says, taking the sheet from her.
"Well, you'll know the song when I sing it." Alice says, taking the sheet out of his hands and placing it on a nearby table then gestures to the band to start.

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