Chapter 19 ~ The Rivalry And Being Enemies Continue

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So I'm really hoping to finish this book in the next month or two then get onto the next (and sadly, the last) book in this series. I also have announced on my Muzy account (add me; RyeHasTheIntersect) that the final book will be called Both of Us.

This chapter is kind of random and just weird but I wanted to get some published.

And also, mini questionnaire at the end just for me to get some more inspiration (cause I currently lack some at the moment with this story)



The start of February, a Thursday, involved Ryley heading to her dance class like any other morning. She was dressed in her dancing gear; 3/4 sweat pants and a semi-baggy black t-shirt, with The Nerd Machine logo on it. Her hair was done in a perfect ponytail on the back of her head, ready for dancing.

"Alright, students," Ms Burton says, clapping her hands together, "Get with your partner. We'll be practicing our dance from last week."

Ryley finds her new partner; nerdy looking boy who is actually a super talented dancer. The two follow the routine they practiced to What Part of Forever by Cee Lo Green. 

Alice is across the room, without a partner. She sits on the sides, arms folded and a sad look on her face. Ryley feels a little sad for her since Alice's been quiet ever since the slap. 

Ryley then asks her dance partner something then he goes off to Alice while Ryley sits down on the side. The young Berry looks over at the blonde girl who's been a bitch to her be asked to dance by the nerdy dancer that was Ryley's dance partner. Alice accepts and dances with Ryley's dance partner. 

"That's a nice thing that you did, Ms Berry." A voice says from nearby.

"Ah, thanks Ms Burton." Ryley says, looking up at her teacher who stands next to her.

Ms Burton smiles and goes back to walking around the dance studio, watching all her students with eyes like a hawk.

Ryley feels happiness inside of her. She did something good. Maybe she could try burying the hatchet. 

The happiness leaves her when she looks over at Alice. The blonde bitch sends a glare Ryley's way. Ryley furrows her brow in confusion at Alice who continues to glare. 

Why must she glare all the time? Does she permanently look that way or something? 

Ryley ignores it, watching the other students in her class dance gracefully around the floor with What Part of Forever playing off the stereo. She hums along, swaying a little to the music. 


At work in the evening, Ryley finds herself eating a large order of fries. With the diner not being busy, she just eats fries and drink a chocolate milkshake.

"What's up with you?" Rachel asks, sitting on the seat next to her.

"Alice Stone pisses me off." Ryley says, stuffing fries into her own mouth.

"What did she do this time?" Rachel asks.

"She didn't have a dance partner in dance class today so I told my dance partner to dance with her for the routine so he did and as I sat on the sides, Alice just glared at me," Ryley says then lets out an agitated groan, "God, she just freaking annoys me."

"We all know that she annoys you." Rachel says.

"And I don't know how to stop her from annoying me though." Ryley says.

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