Chapter 15 ~ Troubles With Tyler & Surprise Guests

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(Side Note: I think I've mentioned previously that the Rydley apartment is one bedroom. I'm going to change that for the sake of a moment in this story + a future storyline, I'm saying there's two bedrooms). And also, during this chapter, Kurt and Blaine are on honeymoon and won't be back till the New Year (aka the next chapter)



Ryley wiped the Diner bench clean, checking the shininess like it was a mirror. She continuously would stop and check if she could see her reflection. She wanted to get the perfect reflection of herself so then she would know it was clean.

As she wiped it clean, she also could check how the customers are going. With Santana and Angie both wandering around, Ryley could keep cleaning without leaving it to take orders.

When she looked up when she was almost done cleaning, Tyler entered the Diner. He looked directly at her with a small smile that looked apologetic mixed with sadness. He walks up to the counter, hands in his pockets. Ryley continues to wipe the counter clean.

"Hey." Tyler says, reaching the counter.

"Hi." Ryley says, pulling off a small smile and looking at him.

Tyler looks towards Ryley's hands as she cleans. He notices the ring sitting on Ryley's ring finger and realises that Ryder was telling the truth about the engagement because Tyler hoped it was a lie to agitate him.

"Congratulations on the engagement." Tyler says.

"Thanks." Ryley says, looking up to give him a small smile.

"I truly am happy for you," Tyler says, being a bit happier, "I would have liked it for it to be me and you the ones getting married but still..." 

Ryley stops cleaning, "Can we talk over at an empty table?"

"Ah, sure." Tyler says. He goes to a nearby empty table. Ryley goes around the counter and sits across from him. In the corner or her eye, she spots Santana and Angie standing at the counter, watching Ryley sitting with Tyler.

"Your friends are judging me." Tyler says, nodding his head side ways towards the table.

"Well, they have a pretty obvious reason to be judging you since that is my best friend and one of my sister's best friend and considering what you did to me..." Ryley trails off.

"I really want to move past that incident." Tyler says, his tone somber.

"I would like to also but I can't. I have a scar on my hair line that will stay with me possibly my entire life and sometimes, both events give me nightmares. You have scarred me for life, Tyler." Ryley says.

Tyler sighs, "I want to be your friend. I really hope that one day you can forgive me and we can."

"If you can turn back into that boy who cared for me and treated me like a little sister back when we were kids, I'll consider it but right now, you're older and don't seem to be able to treat woman that well." Ryley says.

"I can be that boy again," Tyler says, "Dalton has changed me." 

"Last time we talked, you were at Dalton. At that Halloween party. You were such a douche then." Ryley says.

"A year has passed since then." Tyler says.

"I don't care how long it has been. I don't know if I want you back in my life." Ryley says, almost raising her voice a little. She takes a deep breath once she hears an unimpressed cough from the old lady at the table behind her. Ryley mumbles a quick "Sorry" to the old lady before returning her attention back to Tyler.

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