Chapter 20 ~ Fun At Parties & Problems At Parties

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                             the questionnaire for the last chapter, most of you were like "The Ryley and Alice drama is too stretched out" or something like that. The thing is I already have the ending for this planned and it involves an ending to the drama so the rivalry is still going to go on for a while yet.



After a boring week at Juilliard, a group of four hot, tall and muscular male seniors stand around in the hallway of the main building on campus with fliers in their hands. They're handing them out to certain people.

"Who are they?" Ryley asks Angie as they walk towards them.

A familar female voice says, walking towards them, "The Frat Boys. They're kind of a boy band on campus and live in a townhouse nearby." Kitty has walked towards the two with Marley and Jake next to her, the couple are holding hands.

"Hey guys." Ryley says to Kitty, Marley and Jake. Marley and Jake wave and say hey.

"Tell me more about these hunks known as The Frat Boys." Angie says.

"They throw a party every year, giving flier to people they choose. Normally they're just girls they find attractive or cute." Marley says.

One of hot, tall and muscular seniors with the fliers walks up to Ryley, Angie, Jake, Marley and Kitty. He passes Ryley a flier along with a smirk on his face. Then he gives one to Kitty and walks away.

"Looks like you are considered attractive or cute by that guy." Angie says.

Ryley feels herself blush a bit then she smiles, "I'm not that attractive or pretty or cute or just all around gorgeous." She looks at the flier, reading the information in her head. The party is held at the townhouse just 10 minutes walk from campus and whoever recieves the flier gets to bring a friend.

"So who are you bringing?" Jake asks, clearly knowing the rules of the party.

"I know who she should bring," Angie says, putting her arm over Ryley's shoulder, "Someone who's been by her side for quite a while now. Someone who will never stop being your friend, no matter what. Someone who cares for you and makes you laugh."

"Angie?" Ryley asks.

"Yes." Angie says with a hopeful smile.

"I'm choosing you." Ryley says.

Angie puts her arms in the air, shouting, "Yes!"

"Ryley," Marley starts, grabbing Ryley's attention, "Isn't that the girl you hate?" Marley points towards someone in the crowd. Ryley turns to look and sees Alice receiving a flier from the same guy that gave Ryley one. 

Ryley looks back at her friends then says with a sarcastic tone, "Looks like it's going to be a great party."


"Are you sure you'll be fine without me for the night?" Ryder asks Ryley as he walks into their bedroom while Ryley puts her dress on. It's a cute green patterened dress that's mid thigh length (A/N: Just so you guys know, it will be on the side---->).

"Angie will be with me so I'll be fine." Ryley says, pulling it up and putting the straps over her shoulders.

"That's what I worry about." Ryder says with a small smile.

Ryley looks at her fiance with a smile, "Angie is pretty responsible when she wants to."

"We are talking about the same Angie right?" Ryder asks.

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