Chapter 9 ~ Plans, Tyler & Girls Night

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Thanks to the people who responded on the previous chapters questionnaire. I recieved four responses which is better than so to those who responded, you guys are awesome (and thanks for telling me that I'm awesome cause I know I am *flicks hair over shoulder*)



Saturday came quickly. Ryley had a breakfast shift with Angie, Santana and Dani. Ryder was laying on the couch in his boxers and a t-shirt when there was a knock on the door. Since he was in a sleepy daze, he rolled off the couch in fright of the knock.

"Shit." Ryder mumbled from his spot, lying on the floor. He got himself up and then answered the door, even if he was just wearing boxers and a t-shirt.

Rachel, Blaine and Kurt stood on the other side of the door, with smiles on their faces.

"Wow, that's creepy. You guys have such big smiles on your faces all at the same time. Why is that?" Ryder asks.

"We're here to talk about your planning of an engagement." Kurt says.

"Wait, Rachel, you told them?" Ryder asks as Kurt, Rachel and Blaine enter the apartment.

"Yeah," Rachel says, "I had to. Blaine is Ryley's cousin and Kurt is Blaine's fiance so they had to know. Plus Kurt is great at planning things." Rachel says. The three older New Directions graduates take seats on the couch while Ryder closes the door and sits in the arm chair.

"So what are you guys wanting to talk about with this planning?" Ryder asks.

"Are you going to sing?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah." Ryder says.

"What song?" Kurt asks.

"I was thinking this romantic Train song. It perfectly fits a proposal." Ryder says.

"And what song is that?" Blaine asks.

"Marry Me by Train." Ryder says.

"Good song." Blaine comments.

"Thanks." Ryder says.

"How is this proposal going to plan out?" Rachel asks.

"I just want it to be me and her so nothing like Finn's second proposal or Blaine's proposal." Ryder says.

"Both proposals were amazing." Rachel says with a smile.

"Agreed." Kurt says.

"I know they were but I just wanting something simple. Maybe we might be in Lima and I'll take her to the auditorium and then sing to her." Ryder says.

"That basically mixes Finn's first proposal and a little bit of my proposal with the singing." Blaine says.

"This is going to be my proposal though." Ryder says.

"Yeah, we know but we're just relating it to previous ones." Kurt says.

"At least it's not going to be in a pool." Rachel says. Kurt and Blaine nod in agreement with smiles.

"What was in a pool?" Ryder asks.

"Mr Schuester's proposal to Mrs Schuester was in a pool." Blaine says.

"We all sung We Found Love at the proposal." Kurt says.

"It was actually really fun but I wouldn't want someone to propose to me in a pool or something that big and extravagant." Rachel says.

"Our proposal was big and extravagant though." Blaine says.

"This is just my opinion though. I like it when it's simple but effective. Or the way Finn proposed to me the second time." Rachel says.

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