Chapter 25 ~ The Julliard Showcase

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Personally, I'm not a big fan of how this chapter works out but I hope you guys like it.



A two days before the Showcase during Ryley's last week of her freshman year at Julliard, Ryley starts her day practicing in the small auditorium where she has vocal classes. Mr Patel takes her through vocal runs and goes over the song she plans to sing. Ryley plans on playing the piano during the performance as she has learnt the song she's singing.

"Amazing, Berry but let's go over it again." Mr Patel says after the fourth time Ryley has gone through the song she's singing.

"Can we please take a break?" Ryley asks.

"Sure," Mr Patel says, "But back into it in 5."

Ryley nods and goes to the side of the stage where her bag sits. She grabs her water bottle from inside the bag and drinks from it. She then looks at her teacher and asks a question that puzzles her.

"Why am I the first freshman to be chosen as an end of year showcase performer?" Ryley asks.

"Because I put your name forward as you are very talented. Plus, Frozen has been a hit on Broadway with you as Anna." Mr Patel answers.

Ryley smiles, "Thanks for believing in my talent."

"Oh, I don't just believe in your talent; I know you're talented." Mr Patel says.

"Thanks," Ryley says, "Let's get back to practice."

"But it wasn't 5 minutes?" Mr Patel asks.

"I'm ready though. I have to show everyone why I'm the first freshman to be chosen as showcase performer." Ryley says with a smile, heading over the to the piano where Mr Patel still standsand sits down on the seat.

Mr Patel smiles, "Let's get back to it then."


Ryley decides to hang out with Rachel after school that day in the Berry-Lynn apartment as they haven't had much Berry sisters time together in a while. It's just the two of them, sitting in the living room with food and drinks. Ryder's gone to hang out with Hannah, Jake and Jason at Jason's apartment.

"So how's showcase practice?" Rachel asks.

"It's good," Ryley says, "I feel so honoured to be the first freshman ever to be in the showcase."

"I was chosen for NYADA's winter showcase during my freshman year even though is very unlikely I would be chosen. And guess what?" Rachel asks.

"What?" Ryley asks.

"I performed not one but two songs." Rachel says with a proud smile.

"Maybe I'll be able to perform two songs." Ryley says.

"You are a Berry." Rachel says.

"But not by blood." Ryley says.

"It doesn't matter if you're a Berry by blood but you are legally. You do share similar traits to me too though." Rachel says.

"I'm an Anderson by blood though," Ryley says, "And Andersons are as talented as Berry's."

"That is quite true, my darling sister," Rachel says, "But I'm more talented than Blaine, don't you think?"

"I'm not picking a favourite." Ryley says.

"Fine," Rachel says with a sigh, "Back to the showcase; Finn, Blaine, Kurt and I will be sitting in the front row. We're all looking forward to seeing the first freshman ever to be in the showcase performing."

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