Chapter 5 ~ Callbacks

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Sorry Rosie (CimFamDirectioner143), I'm not going to make Rachel go up against Kerry Ellis because I've kind of created a one chapter (or more) OC that's been in Broadway shows already.
Also, the original TNB is now almost at 30,000 reads! It's catching up to my most popular story/book, Glee Direction which is almost at 35,000. I never knew I'd get this popular when I first joined Wattpad almost 2 years ago.
Any who, enjoy!


Ryley arrives with Rachel to the callbacks. Ryder and Blake also are there to sit with the Director, Casting Directors and other people organizing this musical.
As soon as the sisters arrive, they see their competition. Alice is talking to Rachel's competition, a brunette with brown eyes and a little bit of a tan.
"That's British West End and Broadway star, Ellie Thomas. She's been in a few West End performances and Broadway shows in the last couple of years. She's really talented." Rachel tells Ryley. (A/N: Ellie Thomas is portrayed by British Doctor Who actress, Jenna Coleman).
"Are you a fan of hers?" Ryley asks Rachel.
"Yeah, she's super talented." Rachel says.
"Ladies, come over." Evan calls out to the four he called back from his spot at the front of the stage.
Ryley, Rachel, Alice and Ellie all go up to the director and stand, waiting for what he wants to say.
"We're going to have duets. I want to make sure you know the songs I've chosen for these songs. First is Rachel Hudson or Berry, whatever she goes by, versus Ellie Thomas. You two," Evan points at Rachel and Ellie, "Will be singing Defying Gravity from the musical Wicked while Ryley Berry and Alice stone," Evan then then points at Ryley and Alice, "Will be singing Bleeding Love by Leona Lewis."
"Do you know the song?" Ellie asks Rachel.
"Do I know Defying Gravity? Of course I do. I sung this back in my sophomore year during a Diva off in my Glee Club where I went against my best friend, Kurt Hummel. I won but a while ago he told me he didn't hit the high note on purpose." Rachel explains, rambling a bit.
"Okay then." Ellie says.
"I'm gonna nail this song." Ryley says, not even looking at Alice.
"And I'm gonna crush it." Alice says. The two girls quickly glare at each other then look away. 
"So Rachel and Ellie, you girls can do a little prepping then you're up first. Ryley and Alice, go take a seat in the seats." Evan says. Ryley rushes immediately to next to Ryder in the seats. He puts his arm around her once she sits next to him and he presses a kiss against her forehead.
"I really hope Rachel does amazing." Ryley says quietly to Ryder.
"Same here." Ryder says.
"Good luck girls," Evan says, "You may begin."
A band at the back of the stage begins and Rachel is the first to sing.

Something has changed within me
Something is not the same
I'm through with playing by the rules
Of someone else's game

Ellie begins to sing, her voice being powerful and soft at the same time.

Too late for second guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes and leap!

[Rachel (and Ellie):]
It's time to (try defying gravity)
I think I'll (try defying gravity)
Kiss me (goodbye, I'm defying gravity)
(And you won't bring me down)

I'm through accepting limits 
'Cause someone said they're so

Some things I cannot change
But till I try I'll never know!

Too long I've been afraid of

Losing love I guess I've lost

[Rachel and Ellie:]
Well, if that's love
It comes at much too high a cost...

I'd sooner buy defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you won't bring me down

I'd sooner buy defying gravity
Kiss me goodbye I'm defying gravity
I think I'll try defying gravity
And you won't bring me down
Bring me down

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