Chapter 16 ~ Back Into The Normal School Routine

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A few days after New Years, Zach and Lucy left and on the same day, Kurt and Blaine arrived late in the night. They had been to New Zealand on their honeymoon, according to Blaine's parents when Ryley called them during the time Blaine and Kurt were away. The whole honeymoon destination was a surprise for Kurt and Blaine from their parents so Ryley called her Aunt and Uncle to see where the newly married couple went.

In the morning, Ryley sits in her living room. It's a Saturday morning; January 6th 2018. It's been 5 full days of 2018 and it's been a good year. So far that is. She's in her pajamas on the couch, watching morning TV cartoons that are normally on air for kids. She has a cup of hot chocolate in her hands because she doesn't drink coffee or tea and hot chocolate is a subsitute for them. Ryder's in the kitchen, making pancakes and he's in his pajamas.

As the cartoon she's watching comes to an end, Ryley gets up off the couch and heads into the kitchen, taking her empty hot chocolate mug into the kitchen to put into the sink. She then snakes her arms around Ryder from behind, hugging him from behind and resting her head on his back.

"Are you trying to get this apartment burnt down?" Ryder asks with a joking tone and a light chuckle.

"Maybe. All I want is a kiss from my fiance." Ryley says, taking her head off his back. He turns in her arms and places a kiss against her lips. He then looks as if he remembers something.

"Can you keep an eye on the pancakes for a moment?" Ryder asks.

"Ah, sure." Ryley says. Ryder then rushes to their room. Ryley keeps an eye on the pancakes as she hears shuffling and stuff being moved around. She then hears him running back out of their room and returning with a small box, about as big as a DVD but thicker and definetely not a DVD. He then passes it to her.

"Look inside." Ryder says.

Ryley raises an eyebrow in curiosity and opened the little box up. Inside lay a bride and groom cake topper. The one she gave Ryder back when she was a junior in high school. 

Ryley looks up at him with a smile.

"I was hoping we could use them for our wedding." Ryder says with a smile.

"That's pretty much the main reason I bought them then gave them for your Christmas present." Ryley says.

"But that was like 2 years ago." Ryder says.

Ryley shrugs, "Well, looks like I'm really good at telling how our future is headed."

"I love you so much." Ryder says.

"Love you too." Ryley says and pecks his lips. Soon after, the pancakes are ready and the couple sit down at the table to eat pancakes for their breakfast.


A while after breakfast, Blaine appears at the door of the Rydley apartment, looking happier than ever and all cute with signature bow tie and checkered shirt look. By then, both Ryley and Ryder are dressed (after some morning fun in the shower). 

"Blainers!" Ryley shouts as she opens the door with a smile on her face when she sees her cousin. Ryley hugs the gel haired cousin of hers and he hugs her back.

"Hey Rye." Blaine says. They eventually let go of each other and Blaine slides the front door to a close.

"So how was New Zealand?" Ryley asks, sitting on the couch. Blaine sits next to her.

"Amazing. We stayed in a few different places. Half of the honeymoon was in Auckland while the rest was in Wellington. We did those typical tourist things like we visited the place where they made the Lord of The Rings movies, The Hobbit movies and even Avatar. Sam's gonna be so jealous I went to place where Avatar was made." Blaine explains.

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