Chapter 11 ~ Back To Lima

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"Come on, Ryder! We've got to meet up with the others at the airport." Ryley calls out from the living room on Wednesday morning. Finn and Rachel have become part of the group heading to Lima too so it's four couples heading to Lima for Sectionals and possibly help out while they're there. 

"Just doing something quickly." Ryder calls out. He grabs the small red velvet box from his underwear drawer and stuffs it into a secret pocket of his suitcase. He then zips it up and wheels his suitcase out to the living room, where Ryley sits waiting. She stands up when she sees Ryder and smiles.

"Let's get heading home, shall we?" Ryley asks.

"We shall." Ryder says. 

The couple wheel their suitcases out into the hallway at the same time Finn and Rachel walk past their apartment, wheeling their own suitcases.

"You guys ready to head home?" Rachel asks.

"Yup." Ryley says.

"I am." Ryder says.

"Let's get a taxi and head back to Lima." Finn says with a smile.

The four head to the elevator and make their way to the ground floor. They get two taxis and head to the airport with Jake and Marley meeting up with them at the airport. Ryley has her phone out, texting Angie.

Are you guys in a taxi yet? - R

No. I'm watching Disney channel - A

If it's old classic Disney, I don't blame you but if it's new Disney, I will kill you - R's new Disney - A

Angie, back away from the TV - R

NEVER!!!!! - A

You need help - R

I know I do - A

Just get Gabe and a taxi. Ryd, Rach, Finn and I are all on our way to the airport - R

I just shouted out to Gabe to get his ass out here. He's still packing - A

What is he packing? - R

I think he has a bigger suitcase than me - A

Why? - R

Hair products, I think - A

Even I don't wear too much hair product - R

We're heading down to get a taxi now - A

Meet ya at the airport - R

Ryley doesn't receive a reply after that so she just holds onto Ryder's hand as they go to the airport.

"Wait, I remember you two." The cabbie says, looking into his above mirror at a red light.

"Hey! It's the cabbie who drove us to our apartment." Ryder says.

"How've you kids been?" The cabbie asks.

"We've been good. Doing well in our lives and enjoying New York." Ryley says.

"So you're heading to the airport? Where you headed from there?" The cabbie asks.

Ryley looks at Ryder who looks back at her, squeezing each other's hand. Ryley then smiles, "Home for a few days."

Like all non-band backed up songs, a band in Ryley's head begins to play and she's sent into a little world where just her is singing in the back of the cab. She looks out the window, watching New York pass by as she sings.

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