Chapter 6 ~ There's A Lot of Talk About Rydley

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I'm happy to announce that there will be a wedding in this book. To be exact, a Klaine wedding. It will take place just before the Christmas chapter so I'm gonna feature so from now on, there will be mentions of it. 

Right now, I think this story is up to about the middle of October. I don't know, I'm going slowly with this story.

Also, I made this edit on Muzy of a quote that I really liked from this chapter. Go check it out on my Muzy profile (RyeHasTheIntersect).



A few days after Ryley getting the role of Anna, she went next door to the Hudson-Hummel-Anderson-Lopez-Henderson apartment. Ryder went out to hang out with Jake, Jason, Gabe and Blake so Ryley went to see her neighbours.

Ryley opened the door up and went inside to see Kurt, Blaine and Rachel sitting in the living room, looking through wedding magazines and on the coffee table sat a board with clippings of suits, dresses, venues and other wedding related things.

Ryley's eyes widened a little at all the wedding things, "Wow."

Blaine looks up first, "Hey Ryley."

"What's going on here?" Ryley asks.

"We are planning a Klaine wedding." Kurt says, flicking through a magazine with a smile.

"Our wedding is going to be the day before Christmas and that is just a few months away. We've already booked a venue and now, it's time to plan out suits, dresses and other things." Blaine says.

Ryley sits in the arm chair, "Awesome. Can I help?"

"Yes, you can," Kurt says, putting his magazine down, "What colour bridesmaid dress do you think we should have?"

"I choose pink already." Rachel says, raising her hand.

"I don't know. I'm not a pink fan." Ryley says.

"What about some red or blue?" Blaine asks.

"I'd like those." Kurt says.

"What about a light blue?" Rachel asks.

"That'd be pretty cool." Blaine comments.

"I'm all for wearing blue if I am a bridesmaid." Ryley says.

"You are, Rye." Blaine says.

"Awesome." Ryley says with a smile.

"Along with Rach as my maid of honour, Santana, Mercedes, Dani and Quinn." Kurt says.

"You're having six bridesmaids?" Ryley asks.

"I'm going all out." Kurt says.

"How many best men are you having, Blaine?" Ryley asks.

"Just Sam, Finn and Artie." Blaine says.

"Simple." Ryley says.

"Yup." Blaine says.

"Now, I've got to pick our some light blue dresses." Kurt says and gets up from the couch to go get his laptop to search up dresses. Rachel follows him.

"So how's life in New York been for you, little Rye?" Blaine asks.

"I'm not little, Blainers." Ryley says.

"To me you are. I remember when you first arrived at McKinley, back when we didn't know we were related." Blaine says.

"Now look at me. I'm gonna be on mother-freaking Broadway." Ryley says with a smile. Blaine smiles at her.

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