Chapter 21 ~ Wedding Planning & Being Happy

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Ryder wakes up to an empty opposite half of the bed. It's a Saturday morning, Ryley isn't working and it's only 9am. He's confused so he gets out of bed and leaves the room, scratching his chest through his long sleeve black pajama top. He walks out into the kitchen to see Ryley in front of the stove, making pancakes.

"Morning." Ryley says with a smile.

"Morning," Ryder says, "You seem to be in a good mood, babe after what happened last night."

Ryley freezes, "I'm all cried out so I'm just going for the positives of life. The positives are right now us planning more stuff for our wedding."

Ryder's a bit confused. How can she be so happy when just last night, she was being felt up for about the third time by a complete dickhead who she might even count as an ex? If he was in her place, he'd be feeling so bad. 

"You seem in a good mood." Ryder says.

"Like I said, I'm just trying to look at the positives in life." Ryley says, looking over her shoulder at Ryder and sending him a smile. She then returns to cooking pancakes and Ryder just leaves it, grabbing the juice carton out of the fridge and placing it on their small table along with two glasses, two plates and two sets of knives and forks. The maple syrup already sits on the table in the centre.

Ryley puts the cooked pancakes onto a plate, stacking them up. She then places them on the table and sits down with Ryder across from her. 

The two of them eat in silence, sneaking quick glances at each other with small smiles. Ryley sometimes would smirk at him as she put food in her mouth when Ryder looked at her so he would smile back.

When they finish, they both clean their dishes and clean up after them. 

"So today is wedding planning and just hanging out together, right?" Ryder asks, putting the plates away.

"Right." Ryley says with a smile as she finishes drying dishes.

"Then I am going to take a shower," Ryder says then smirks, "Care to join me?"

"No thanks. I'll just finish up cleaning and shower after you." Ryley says, smiling quickly at him.

Ryder nods and heads off to the bathroom through their bedroom. 

Ryley though, who was really just hiding her tears over last nights 'situation', began to sob silently as soon as she heard the shower water running. She just kept receving flashes of Tyler touching her and being in her face. She could remember the hot, alcoholic scented breath on her face.

So she stood there, leaning over the kitchen counter with her arms on it and kept sobbing with tears falling down her cheeks with the tears falling onto the counter.

When she heard the water come to a finish, she finished up her cleaning quickly, wiped her tears up and made sure she didn't look teary eyed for when Ryder entered the living room. She then sat herself down on the couch and turned the TV onto some random crap show that she didn't give a damn about but there was nothing else on.

Ryder entered the living room, shirtless and with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair had been messed up by him trying to dry it off so his normally perfect 'Bieber' hair cut was all over the place. He looked pretty damn sexy in Ryley's opinion when she saw him like this.

"Have you seen my grey t-shirt with the red heart and lightning bolt on it anywhere?" Ryder asks, keeping a hand on the knot holding his towel up.

"Ah, it's in the pile of clean washing over there." Ryley says, pointing to a basket next to the couch.

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