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Niall's POV

There they were. Kissing, right there in front of me. Under the bed, the hug, all of it. Did Alex even love me anymore? She seemed pretty happy with Harry. And when I finally spoke up, she looked like a two year old caught taking too much candy.

"Niall...." She trails off, sounding scared. She started for me, but I stepped away and she got the memo. We both stood there, staring. What do I say? Do I even say anything? Is she going to say something? No, ok then. Ready Alex?

"No, don't let me get in the way. Like you said, you have feelings for him. It kills you to hurt him," my voice breaks, "So don't." A stray year falls from my cheeks. I need to get it together, but a few escape Alex's eyes and travel down her cheeks. I didn't want to hurt her, but I just couldn't let her do this.

"No, Niall, please!"

"And you, Harry. We're best friends, band mates, brothers. I hope you take good care of her. She's still my world," I exclaim. He was supposed to be my best friend, bandmate, brother! And here he was, kissing my girlfriend. Nice.

"Niall, please, just listen to me!" Alex yells, running after to my as I walk it of the room.

"You said there was nothing going on," I exclaim. She lied to me. What happened to the loyal, caring Alex I first loved?

"There isn't!"

"Oh really? So what happened under the bed you were so afraid to tell me? I was awake, Alex, I heard it. And then I walked in on you hugging. I was willing to let those go. But this? You kissed him!"

"I know. I know, I messed up. I'm so sorry, Niall, I'm so sorry. I wasn't thinking and--" she says, starting to sob.

"Just leave me alone, Alexandra. Please, I just wanna be alone." She nod. More tears fall as I slams the door. I can here her outside my door. I want to go home. I want to forget all of this. This mistake, I want it to go away.

"Alex?" Liam asks, "What's wrong?" I could hear them through the door.

"N-Niall, he h-h-hates me," she sobs out. Did she think I hated her? I could never hate her, but I was very mad. She basically cheated on me. Even if I tried to hate her, I'd fail.

About twenty minutes later I come out of my room and stand far behind the couch where I could hear them and see the tops of their heads. But they couldn't see me.

"Alex, what happened?" Liam asks, sitting on the couch by her. She had something in her mug that she held tight to.

"Harry and I--- we were caught up---he kissed me---" she sobbed.

"As long as you didn't kiss him back, Niall will underst... No. No. No, Alex. You didn't...." She nods. Liam looks disappointed.

"I'm so s-sorry," she say, sobbing into Liam's shirt.

"I'm not the one you should apologize to," Liam says.

"I tried, Liam, I tried. He hates me. And now you're mad at me, and Harry's mad and..." She continue to sob.

"Alex. I'm not mad at you! You're ok. They'll forgive you. They love you. Niall will come around," Liam says.

"I wanna go home." Her words almost sting, but I think it was the best she went home.

"Ok," Liam says. I hurry back to my room without being spotted. Well, sort of.


"Yes, Louis?"

"Are you ok?"

"Would you be?"


"Bye, Louis," I say, locking myself in my room.


Well then. WASSUP

So it's my grandpa's birthday and we get to go to an amazing restaurant and I get to babysit my two (three in a week) year old cousin. YAY. He's potty trained, I'm good😂😂 byeeeeeeee loves

{ Cassi }

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