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Alex's POV

~5 months later~

Everything was... perfect. We were happy. We were safe. Niall loved me, and I loved him. The tour ended not long ago, and I was finally getting to meet Niall's family tonight. Even though I've known them for long time, I haven't seen them in a while. I wonder if they'll approve of me again, after everything that's happened. I was especially excited to see Theo and Denise. Niall talks none stop about how adorable Theo is and how nice Denise is. They were the only two I hadn't met yet in his family.

"Alex, you have to pick out an outfit for the dinner tonight! Trust me, you'll have so much fun with his family!" Eleanor exclaims. She had joined us on tour after some incidents and her and I really bonded. It was nice I have another girl around.

"Wait- what type of outfit? My style or yours?" I ask and El rolls her eyes.

"Ha ha ha... mine." I groan and Eleanor laughs at me, "Just a simple dress, nothing too bad." I end up in a blue, spaghetti strap sundress with pink converse. My hair that had grown a little past my collarbone was curled to perfection. I only had some mascara and lip goss on as makeup, since I wouldn't let her do anything else.

"Let's go show Niall!" Eleanor exclaims, dragging me out of my room. She takes my hand and pulls me down into the room where the boys were watching the FIFA World Cup.

"Go Neymar go go...WHAT!" Niall screamed as a goalie blocked the shot. Niall stood up looked around, ready to scream, until his eyes landed on...well....me.

"Wow," he says, no longer paying attention to the football (A/N or soccer depending on where you're from) game. I immediately get self conscious, looking down at my dress. Was something messed up? Maybe I should've gone with jeans. Gosh, maybe I really did need more makeup. Something had to be wrong.

"What? This looks weird, doesn't it?" I ask, smoothing out my dress nervously.

"No no, you look beautiful," Niall says, and I blush, looking down at my feet. Niall cups my face in his hands and pulls me up to face him. He kisses me quickly and smiles, dropping his hands.

"Let's go," he says. He takes my hand and we walk out of the hotel room we spent the night at last night with the boys and Eleanor. They would be staying here while Niall and I stayed with his family. The boys insisted on coming with us to hang out with Niall's family. I couldn't blame them, they were very nice people.

We got into the car and began our drive. We were about an hour away from Niall's home. They no longer live next to my house, they lived in a bigger and nicer house. We had gotten to Ireland late last night after a flight from France. I guess we all wanted to go to France for a few days, so we went to France.

The hour goes by fast and soon we're pulling into a driveway. It was a beautiful house and was much bigger than the ones we grew up in. I immediately got nervous.

"Niall..." I say, holding tightly to his hand. He chuckles lightly and kisses my cheek.

"It's okay, they'll love you. I know my parents and Greg already do, so it's just Denise and Theo, who's a baby, ...and a few cousins," he says. Cousins?

"Cousins? More people?" I ask and Niall nods, smiling a little.

"Calm down, it'll be fine. You're worrying too much," he says, planting his lips on mine. He pulls away after a moment and smiles at me.

"C'mon," he says, and we get out of the car. He squeezes my hand before opening the door.

People. Lots and lots of people. Apparently when Niall goes to his house, the whole country goes to his house. And it's funny because it's true.

"Niall!" a woman says, and I immediately recognize her as my old second mom. Maura hugs Niall and then turns to be.

"Oh, Alex! It's great to see you again!" she exclaims, hugging me.

"It's great to see you too, Maura," I say and she smiles at me.

"Now come on, Alex, many people want to meet you," she says, dragging me away from Niall. I look back at him and he's only laughing. I glare at him and he blows me a kiss.

"Alex, this is Denise," Maura says, introducing me to a pretty blond, "Denise, this is Niall's girlfriend, Alex."

"Hi Alex, I've heard so much about you! I love your dress," she says.

"Oh, thank you. I love yours, too," I say. To say I was nervous was an understatement. I wasn't good with complements like this. Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around my waist. I yelped and jumped in surprise and Niall laughed behind me.

"That's so not funny," I say and Niall continues laughing before moving to stand beside me.

"Hello Denise," he says, hugging his sister-in-law.

"Hello Niall, Greg and Theo are out back if you'd like to go say hi," Denise says. Niall nods and takes my hand. I wave bye to Denise and we go outside.

"Greg!" Niall yells and an older version of the boy I used to hang out with turns around. He smiles and hugs Niall.

"Hello, Niall! It's been a while," he says and they both laugh. There was a lot of laughter here, I liked it.

"Alex, it's been even longer," Greg says, hugging me next. "Have you met Denise? She was really excited to meet you!" I nod.

"Where's Theo?" Niall asks. He really loved that kid.

"I think Dad's got 'em," Greg says. Niall then takes me around until we found his dad. Bobby smiles at us.

"Well if it isn't the man of the hour and his girl," he says, hugging Niall with one arm, the other holding Theo.

"Good to see ya too Dad," Niall says, and Theo basically jumps into Niall's arms. Niall takes him and tickles him.

"Hey, Theo," Niall says. Theo does some baby talk before messing with the collar of Niall's shirt.

"Theo, can you say Alex?" Niall asks. Theo makes a noise that sounds like 'Al-eh' and smiles, proud of himself.

"Al-eh!" he says again. I can't help but laugh a little that the adorable sight in front of me. Niall would be a great father some day.

Theo then pointed to me, "Al-eh!"

"That's Alex," Niall says and Theo reaches out to me. I get closer and take him from Niall. Theo smiles and says 'Al-eh' again.

"Hi buddy," I say and he smiles again. He actually looked somewhat like a baby Niall, but with naturally blonde hair. He was adorable.

I ended up holding Theo throughout the whole party until he's fast asleep with his head resting on my shoulder.

"Niall, is there somewhere I should take him?" I ask and Niall nods. We go upstairs where no one else was and Niall opens a room that has a little pack-n-play in it. I set Theo down in the makeshift crib and lay a soft, blue blanket over him. I kiss his forehead quickly before exiting the room with Niall. I head downstairs but Niall stops me, pulling me aside.

"You are a natural with kids, princess. I love you, more than you could ever imagine," he whispers to me.

"Thank you. I believe I love you more though," I say, poking his cheek.

"You really know how to ruin a moment, don't ya?" he asks.

"Yuparoo. C'mon, there's a party downstairs," I say and he kisses my cheek before walking downstairs.



Also I might start doing things like '5 votes/comments for a new chapter' bc no one votes/comments anymore :(

{ Cassi }

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