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"I'm going to miss you," Elise says, hugging me.

"I'm going to miss you, too," I say, hugging her back. I hug Mom next and then Dad. He still didn't want me to go, but I used the exact reasons Niall had given me and finally he gave up. It was my life, of course.

"We gotta go, Alex. Bye guys!" Niall says, waving to my family. I wave to them, too, and they wave back. We get on the airplane, followed by the other boys. It becomes a race between Louis and I for the window seat as soon as we walk in.

"Mine!" I shout as I dive for it.

"NOOO!" Louis shouts back, jumping after me, but I'm already in the seat. Louis pouts while Niall sits in between us, making Louis sit on the end.

"Suck it up," I tell him and he cracks a small smile before sticking his tongue out.

"They're children, I swear..." I hear Liam mumble and I kick his seat in front of us.

"Oops, did I say that out loud?" Liam says and we laugh. This day honestly couldn't get any better. I was going to my home country, with Niall and some of my best friends, while laughing. AND I GOT THE WINDOW SEAT!!!!!!!!! I soon got very tired though, which wasn't odd considering I had to wake up early and the boys and I stayed up until midnight. Before I knew it, I was fast asleep.

"Alex, wake up, we're landing," Niall says. I look up at him and realize I fell asleep on his shoulder. Embarrassing.

"Oh, sorry," I tell him and he smiles and chuckles.

"You're fine, Alex," he says, stealing a quick kiss. I kiss him again and giggle as Louis makes a gagging noise.

"Jealous, Lou?" Niall teases and Louis playfully slaps him.

"Well, of Zayn who gets to sit far away from you people? Yes!" Louis exclaims and we laugh as the airplane touches down. We're in the U.S.!

"Wow," I say, taking in the area, "Where are we?"

"Chicago," Niall says and we get off the airplane. I remember coming here when I was younger. Some things have changed, but even after seven years, it still has a sense of home. Is that weird?

"I haven't been here since I five," I say and Niall holds my hand.

"Be ready," he says.


"Just... be ready." I shrug and then we get outside. Oh. My. God. There were screaming girls everywhere. Things were flying, people were pushing, cameras were flashing. I clung tight to Niall's arm as he lead the way. It was pretty adorable, the way he lead me and shielded me from at this random flying crap. He was so sweet and protective.

"IS THAT ALEX?" "NO ONE EVEN LIKES YOU!" "YOURE JUST USING NIALL FOR FAME!" a few girls yelled. I pretended to ignore it in hopes Niall would too. Maybe he didn't hear it. I hoped he didn't.

"Hey, leave her alone!" Niall shouted back them.

"SLUT!" the girl shouted.

"HEY! He said leave her alone!" Liam says, coming to our defense. I've never seen Liam so... scary? And neither had the girls, because they finally shut up after a few glares of all five boys. Wowzers.

"Just ignore them. You're beautiful and I love you," Niall says, putting his arm around my waist.

"I love you, too, Ni," I say, kissing him. Oohs and Aahs come from the crowd but I don't care. This was my Niall, my wonderful, amazing Niall that I missed so much. And I could share, with the fans, as long as they weren't jerks about it. He was their Niall, too, but I'll always have him in a special way. My Niall. My boyfriend, Niall.


I love the sound of that.





These are only 3/739000 of my inside jokes with friends.

OKAY! I GOTS A TWITTA: @viner_boys__ (two underscores at the end)

INSTAGRAM: @cassi._.noelle

{ Cassi }

–10/19/15 my Twitter is xCliffordsVodka && my instagram is c.cain29 my dm's are always open, message me if you guys need anything:)

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