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"You cheated!" I scream at him.

"No I didn't!" he shouts back.

"That picture proves everything!" I say, pointing to the TV.

"That picture proves nothing!"

"I can not believe you Niall!"

"I can not believe you're so worked up about this Alex!"

"Guys! It's a game!" Greg shouts. I glare at Niall. There was no way he beat me in Mario Cart, I was the campion. Niall rolled his eyes and wrapped his arms around me and left a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

"Ew, Niall germs," I say and he laughs.

"I'm sorry I kicked your butt in Mario Cart," he says and I glare at him.

"I'm afraid I can't forgive you just yet. And no kisses until I forgive you, Horan," I say and he flops down on the couch, groaning.

"If I take you out to a picnic, will you forgive me?" he asks, grabbing my waist and pulling me down on the couch with him.

"Maybe," I say.

"Sorry to interrupt, but if you're going on a picnic, take Theo with you," Greg says, who seemed a little desperate for some 'alone' time with his wife. I smile. I loved hanging out with Theo, even if he was only a baby.

"All right then, we're going on a picnic. Let's go get ready!" Niall says.

I put on a short sleeve shirt and some shorts before going into the room Denise, Greg, and Theo were staying in. Theo had been taking a nap but by the sound of it, he was now wide awake.

"Hi, Theo," I say and he smiles raising his arms. I pick him up and change his dirty diaper before putting him in some shorts and a t-shirt for the hot day. The clothes were so tiny, it was so cute!

"Al-eh!" Theo says when I pick him back up.

"Theo," I reply and he giggles. God, this kid was adorable. I walk out of the room and Niall was standing there, waiting.

"Ready to go?" he asks. I nod and we go downstairs, putting Theo in his stroller and grabbing the picnic basket. We put everything in the little holder on the bottom of the stroller and begin our walk.

"Wanna stop by the park?" Niall asks. I say sure and we cross a road over to a small park. Theo immediately gets excited and tries to get out of the stroller himself.

"Hold up little man," Niall says, unbuckling Theo and getting him out. Theo points to the swings so that's where we go first. There's a little baby swing next to a regular swing and Niall puts Theo in the baby one and begins to push him back and forth. I take a seat in the regular swing and begin to swing myself.

Giggles erupt from Theo as he swings a little higher. Niall and I both laugh at the excited little boy. He never seemed to be upset, he was always happy. I wanted a baby someday just like Theo. Adorable, happy, and smart. Theo squeals again, but soon stops, already bored with the swing. He whines just a little so Niall gets him out of the swing and takes him to the little red slide. Niall climbs to the top with little Theo in his arms. He sits down with Theo on his lap. He holds on to him and I take out my phone and take a picture as they slide down. As they climb back up, I post the picture to Twitter with the caption: 'This is what my day is like' with a heart emoji and I tag Niall. Soon, my phone blows up. Favorites, replies, retweets, everything. Wow, these people worked fast.

"Alex, you're turn," Niall says. I smile and take Theo from him.

"You wanna go down the slide again?" I ask and Theo nods and smiles. I carry him all the way to the top and set him in the lap.

"Ready..1...2...3!" I push us down the slide and here the sound of a phone camera. I look to Niall and he smiles brightly.

"Payback," he says and I get up with Theo and walk over to Niall, taking Theo's little hand and making him hit Niall's arm. Niall pretends to be wounded and Theo laughs, doing it himself this time.

"Payback," I say.

"Wow! You started it, you don't get to 'payback' me," he says and I laugh.

"Well, the first one was for Mario Cart, which I still haven't forgiven you for," I say and he groans again.

"Let it go already!" he says.

"I swear, if you starts singing--"

"LET IT GO! LET IT GO! CANT HOLD IT BACK ANYMORE!" Niall starts shouting and I plug my ears the best I can with a baby in my arms.

"Defiantly not forgiving you now," I say and he laughs and kisses my cheek real quick.

"How 'bout now?" he asks. I shake my head no. He kisses my forehead.

"Now?" he asks. I shake my head again and shield myself from more kisses. That was supposed to be his punishment and he wasn't making it very easy on me.

Theo started to whine a little. He shook his head when I pointed to each thing I thought he would enjoy. His diaper wasn't dirty, he wasn't bored, he wasn't too cold or too warm. Then it hit me.

"Theo, are you hungry?" I ask and he nods his head.

"All right then, let's go set up our picnic," Niall says. We walk over to nearby tree and sit under it. Niall takes the blanket out of the stroll and lays it out. I get out the picnic basket and set it and Theo down on the blanket. Theo crawls around the blanket until he reaches the grass. Then he has a seat and starts playing with it.

"He's entertained," Niall says.

"So much for being hungry," I say.

"I'm still hungry."

"When are you not?"

After we've eaten our sandwiches and drunk our soda's, Theo is still rolling all over the blanket, playing with grass, and being amazed by his feet. Niall was fascinated just watching him. But it only took maybe five more minutes for Theo to remember the real reason we all say down: food.

"C'mere, baby," I say and he crawls over to be. I pull out some quick snacks for him and he happily eats every bite. Every. Last. Bite. He's a Horan.

"Float like a butterfly, eat like your uncle," Niall says. I start laughing and Niall smiles big.

"What?" I ask.

"I love your laugh," he says.

"We've been dating for a long time and you're just now realizing you like my laugh?" I ask.

"You're welcome," he says.

"C'mere," I say. I wrap my arms around his neck and bring him closer. I kiss him and he kisses me back. When our little moment ends, Theo is still in my lap smiling.

"That'll be you some day, bud," Niall says. I slap his arm.

"Niall!" I say.

"He's a Horan, it's gonna happen!" he says, winking. Idiot.

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