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The sunlight poured in through the window. I turned my body to face Niall who was fast asleep. I remembered all the sweet things we said last night and wondered if he remembered them as well. I slowly crept out of bed and across the bedroom floor. I turned to see Niall still asleep and I continued walking until I got downstairs. It was pretty early in the morning so it seemed as if I was the only one up. I looked over quickly to the calendar. September 13th. September 13th... something seemed off about the date. September 13th. Then it hit me like puberty hit Liam.

"Holy shit!" I say a little louder than a meant to. I run over to the fridge and grab eggs and milk. Then I grab some pancake mix and little chocolate chips. September 13th, 2014. Niall was 21 today. I looked the instructions and began making the pancakes. I probably had more fun flipping them over then I should've, but they ended up fine. I heard the shuffling of tired feet down the hall. I smiled a little to myself as arms wrapped around my waist from behind and a head rested on my shoulder.

"Good morning birthday boy," I say, grabbing a plate and placing all the pancakes on them while they cooled.

"Can we go to the U.S. today?" Niall asks and I let out a small laugh.

"I don't think we can just decide to go to the U.S.," I say.

"Actually..." he says.

"You're Niall Horan, not the king," I say and he smiles at me.

"But I can drink there now," he says.

"You can drink there when you go there for the tour for Four," I say.

"That was a lot of 'or' sounds," he says. I count in my head quickly.

"That was only four. For, tour, for, four," I say. He releases me as I place to plates

"Now it's nine," he says and I roll my eyes.

"Do you want birthday pancakes or not?" I ask, walking over to the trash can with the pancakes.

"You wouldn't dare," he says.

"Try me," I say, smirking at him real quick.

"Alex, no-" he starts, stopping as I begin to turn the plate.

"I'm sorry, just don't hurt them!" he exclaims. I sigh and begin to turn them a little more.

"Alex!" he shouts at me.

"I'm kidding!" I say, pulling them back. But one fell off the plate, onto the floor. Niall gasped.

"You monster!" he shouts, going to his knees and picking up the fallen pancake. I set the other on the table and Niall looks up at me, both us trying not to laugh.

"How could you!" he says, trying to pretend to be mad.

"Hey, you made fun of my 'ors'," I say and he stands up.

"You're gonna pay for this," he says. I step back a bit as he gets in running position, smirking.

"Niall, what are you- Niall!" I shout say he runs at me. I swerve out of his way and run out of the kitchen, into the front room. He comes after me. I run around the table on the hardwood and he begins to catch up when all of a sudden I hear a smack. I turn to see Niall rolling on the floor. Socks. He was wearing socks while running at lightening speed on hardwood. I can't help but break down in laughter.

"Ow," he moans, lying spread eagle on the floor. I walk over to him and get on my knees behind him, my head hovering over his.

"Are you upside down or did I hit my head?" he asks. I smile at him and kiss his nose.

"Clutz," I say and he sticks his tongue out real quick. I move my head back before he can get me through. I try to stand up and run but he's too fast and grabs my waist, pulling me back to the ground with him.

"Niall!" I shout, trying to get out of his hold, "let me go!"

"You killed my birthday pancake!" he shouts, tickling my sides.

"Oh my God! Niall, I swear-" I say, trying to fight the laughter.

"And here ladies and gentlemen is what the engaged do on birthday mornings. No birthday sex, just tickling. Well, I'm not sure how long they've been up-"

"Liam!" I shout as he holds his phone camera towards us. Liam starts laughing at us as all the other come down.

"Good morning," I say as Niall still holds me down.

"Morning," Eleanor says, suppressing a laugh, "Happy birthday Niall."

"Thanks!" he says but it's muffled by the fact his face was hidden by my hair.

"Niall, they're gonna eat your pancakes," I say and Niall let's go, jumps up, and runs to the kitchen. I lie down on the floor and Eleanor finally let's out her laugh.

"Enjoy being married to a five year old," she says, helping me up.

"Speak for yourself," I say, winking a little at her. She shoves me playfully.

"Hey, how are the pancakes?" I ask, coming over and sitting on Niall's lap since the seats are all taken.

"Perfect. But I was really hoping to get the other one before you murdered it," he says, pouting.

"Baby," I say as he shoves more of his pancake into his mouth.

"What's today's plan?" Harry asks.

"Nando's and then the U.S.!" Niall shouts.

"Harry can't drink in the U.S., ya know," I tell Niall and his smile falls a bit.

"Fine, we'll get drunk here," he says.

"And presents!" Louis shouts. Zayn, who held his phone in his hand, not really speaking, rolled his eyes. Perrie had left last night since she had to go back with the girls.

"You're such a child, Lou," he says.

"Vas happenin'?" Louis asks in a mocking voice.

"Sass master and Bradford badboi, chill for a second," Liam says.

"They have no chill," Harry says. I reach over and smack his arm playfully as he snickers to himself.

"Jealous," Louis says, flipping hair that isn't even there over his shoulder.

"Guys! It's Niall's birthday, he is officially a man," Liam says.

"That's what you said when he turned 18," Eleanor says.

"He's a man man," Liam says.

"That makes no sense," Sophia says, laughing a little as Liam wraps his arms around her and hides his face in her back.

"Well, Niall, what do you want to do?" Harry asks him. Niall doesn't answer, he just smiles at us.

"Niall? You okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, I'm amazing actually. This... this is perfect," he says, "I love you guys."

"We love you, too, Ni," Liam says, peeking around Sophia. Niall smiles at him and then looks up at me.

"I love you," he says. It was the same word, just a different meaning. Niall and the boys loved each other like brothers. But Niall and I... our love meant something special.

"I love you," I reply.

"To Niall!" Louis shouts, raising his orange juice.

"To Niall!" they all shout.

"To Niall," I say, looking at him as he raised his own glass. I was fucking lucky.



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