Chapter 6

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Marcus POV

I woke up to something warm on top of me. I smiled, not really thinking about the situation at hand. I pulled the warmth closer to me.

I opened my eyes and groggily said,"Good morning."

"Hehe, Good morning Mr. Bear." A voice responded.

Wait, that voice sounds too familiar. That's when it hit me. The person I was holding was (Y/n). I'm holding my crush, in my arms, at this moment. I could feel my face burning. I quickly released her trying not to freak her out.

"I'm so sorry!"

"It's okay, I kind of enjoyed it. You're warm you know that?" She said blushing.

Wait, blushing? It's probably because of the situation, anyone else would be blushing as well. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Hey love birds. We're going swimming, wanna come?" Martinus asked with an evil smirk on his face.

I'll have to get back at him for that. I nodded. The three left us and I went to my room to change.

Your POV

I got changed first so I went ahead out. (a/n just pretend they have a pool if they don't. :) ) I found the three swimming and just messing around. I realized I didn't record a video last night. So I decided to vlog. I thought about it and decided to leave out the part about me being at Marcus and Martinus' house, because that might draw unwanted attention. I walked to the back area of their house a little ways away from the pool and pulled out my camera I keep with me at all times and did my introduction.

"Hey my (followers nicknames)! I'm sorry but due to a little difficulty I won't be able to post my usual video today. I'm not at home right now as you can probably tell, but I will give you guys this short vlog today-"

You were cut off by someone yelling your name.

"(Y/n) where did you go?" It was Marcus.

"Well guys, I guess that means I have to go! Stay fierce (followers nicknames)!" you ended the video there.

You didn't think about Marcus's voice in the back and uploaded the video as it is. You put your camera away and walked back to the pool.

"Hey over here! Sorry I had to do something." I said while putting my legs in the water.

Marcus was on his way over to sit by me, when Martinus pulled me into the water. I lightly squealed.

"I'll race ya!" Martinus shouted while pulling me to the wall of the pool.

I felt a sudden competitiveness wash over me.

"You're on!" I shouted smirking.

"Loser has to do one thing the winner says by the end of the week!" Martinus offered.

"Deal!" I said and we shook hands, sealing the deal I might later regret.

Katie was the referee while Marcus and Vernon sat cheering them on.

"Ready? Set. GO!" She yelled as she waved an imaginary flag. We took off. Swimming as fast as we could to get back to the starting line. Almost there! Done! I reached up for air while grabbing the side.

"It was close!" Katie said in an announcer like voice.

"But, according to our video, Martinus won by a hair!"

We watched the video. He literally won by a hair, one of his hairs touched the side just a millisecond before my hand. I felt defeat wash over me. But I still congratulate the victor.

"Good job! I guess I need to work on my swimming!" I said shaking his hand.

Martinus POV

We left them to get ready and sat by the pool, planning our evil scheme.

"Okay so Martinus, I know when (Y/n) first gets in the pool she puts her legs in and sits on the edge. When she does that, pull her in and challenge her to a race. She's super competitive so she'll agree. I'll be the referee and when you guys go to race, I'll give you a signal and you'll start early." Katie said proudly.

"What if she notices?" Vernon asked.

"Trust me, she won't she'll be focused on winning." Katie said.

"Good." Martinus said. I heard a door slide open.

"Someone's coming act normal!" I whispered. We all acted as if we were playing marco polo, we got "Halfway" through the game when I thought I saw (Y/n). But she walked right past us.

Time skip past your vlog

Marcus had come out and (Y/n) was back she went to put her feet in and I pulled her in. I could see the jealousy on Marcus's face. This'll be fun.

Timeskip to after the race because you know what happens ;)

Your POV

Katie had gotten out and was checking her phone because she had to leave that day.

"(Y/N) come over and check this out!" Katie shouted.

I hopped out and walked over to her.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Look at this!" She showed me the comments from the video.

People were saying things like. 'Who's voice is that in the back?' 'OMG I think that's Marcus Gunnarsen!' 'No way!' 'I doubt it.'

"Oh, no. I tried not cause attention. I didn't even think of that." I said running a hand through my already wet hair.

"What's going on?" Martinus asked noticing the distress.

"(Y/n) are you alright? You look pale." Marcus asked worriedly.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said sitting down.

Katie explained the situation and their faces looked grim until Marcus's lit up.

"How about we make a video since they already know!" 'Perfect!'

"Let's do it!" I shouted excitedly.

I pulled out my camera and got ready to film. 

Music In The Making (Marcus Gunnarsen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now