Chapter 42

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(These chapters are short but the final chapter aka the next one is about 2,000 words) 

Your POV

The wedding is tomorrow. I honestly still can't seem to wrap my head around it. Tomorrow, I will officially be, (Y/n) Gunnarsen. I really can't believe it. How many people wanted this to happen to them? And it happened to be me, of all people that got the chance.

I laid on my bed as all of these thoughts ran through my mind. I gave my mom and everyone the book of decorations, and told them that I wanted to be surprised tomorrow. Though I trust them with my life, I still feel doubt about them though. I just hope everyone likes the decorations.

I sighed as I got out of my bed, I need to get everything ready. Once I wake up tomorrow, it'll be busy nonstop until I walk down the aisle. I am really excited though I can't lie. I mean, who wouldn't be excited about getting to be married to the man you fell in love with? I know there are some people out there that think marriage is just a piece of paper, but it's the experience you go through with your partner that matters. Getting to see them walk down the aisle or watch them as you walk. You get to promise yourself to them and admit your love infront of all your family and friends.

'All of your family and friends?' Oh no.

Ohnonononono, I can't do something like that. That will actually kill me.

I put down the stuff I was carrying and ran to Katie and Dani, once I found them going over things for tomorrow, I grabbed them and dragged them to my room. I pushed them in and locked the door.

"Did you guys know that tomorrow I have to confess my love for Marcus in front of EVERYONE?!" I whisper yelled at them, attempting to stay quiet.

"Um, yeah, that's kind of what a wedding is...." Katie said as she trailed off.

"I-I can't do that! I can't mentally process even trying to do that! I'm going to die, I can't handle this. I have to run to Mexico and change my name!" I said as I started pacing around the room, my hands in my hair.

I feel someone grab onto my shoulders, and stop me. I look up and see that person is Dani.

"(Y/n) listen, when you walk down that aisle, it won't matter to you how many people are watching you, because you'll be so focused on the man you love that everything will stop. And when you get up there, you'll be too busy staring into his eyes to even notice the people watching you." Dani said encouragingly.

I stood straight and took a breath. I was ready for this wedding. I hugged them both and picked my phone up. Checking the text I didn't know I had until a moment ago.

Once I read the message I ran outside, not even bothering to put on shoes.

When I got outside I jumped into Marcus's arms. I look into his eyes and kissed him on the cheek.

"You missed." Marcus said looking a little disappointed.

"I won't tomorrow." I said with new found confidence.

"Alright then, I'm holding you to it. I can't wait to see my beautiful fiance walk down the aisle tomorrow. I'll see you at the altar." Marcus said as he winked at me.

I felt a blush spread on my face as I watched all of the boys pack into the car, but before they left, Martinus whispered and pointed at me to Marcus and as soon as he did, Marcus came up to me and swept me off my feet.

"FJRFJ MARCUS?!" I yelped as I was suddenly whisked off of my feet.

"Can't have my bride-to-be getting sick because of some wet socks, or stepping on something sharp either." Marcus pointed out.

I looked down at my wet socks and remembered it was raining earlier. I sighed and let him carry me inside.

Once we were inside he was going to set me down, but before we could we heard a camera flash. I yelped at the sudden flash and jumped out of Marcus's arms, forgetting my feet and socks were wet.

As soon as my feet touched the ground it slid out from under me and the world started spinning. I was about to fall but Marcus caught me. We ended up in the position where in a dance the guy dips the girl.

I stared at his face in shock and relief. When our eyes met, a blush spread over both of our faces as we realized the position we were in. Another flash went off and this time we looked for the culprit. But they were already gone. Wise choice I have to say. Marcus set me down and we said our FINAL goodbyes. I watched the car pull away and I went inside to change my socks and get food.

After I was free from the prison that is wet socks, I got a bag of chips and fell asleep eating them.

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