Chapter 18

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I slowly came to. I groaned as the annoying sound of an alarm clock filled my ears. I slammed my hand around trying to find it and I accidentally hit Marcus. He groaned.

"Turn it offffff." I whined as I covered my ears.

I heard the alarm shut off and I sighed in relief. But I was sad when the blinding light turned on.

"WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?" I asked as I put my pillow over my face.

"We have to go meet the person that wants us to play at time square." Marcus said tiredly.

"Do we have to?" I whined while sitting up.

"Or we could leave and not perform..." Marcus trailed off, disappointment evident in his voice.

"NO!" I shouted quickly getting up.

"I want you to do this because it makes you happy. I guess I'll go with you." I said while going into the bathroom to get ready.

I came out and Marcus was already ready. I raced him downstairs and I fake tripped.

"Owwie." I said as I tried not to laugh.

Marcus instantly stopped and came over to me.

"Oh gosh, are you okay? Where does it hurt?" Marcus asked running over to me, his voice full of concern.

I kind of felt bad for tricking him, he looked so worried. I'll get over it. I shot up and ran into the living room before Marcus even had a second to think.

"Yes! I won! WEEEE ARE THE CHAMPIONS MY FRIENDDDDDD! WEEE'LLLLL KEEP ON FIGHTINGGGG TILL THE ENDDDD!" I sang as I celebrated my victory. I looked over to Marcus to see him standing there dumbfounded. I laughed.

"What's wrong Marky poo?" I said teasingly.

"W-What? I? Hurt? What?" Marcus tried to make a sentence out of the words coming out of his mouth.

"Oh that?" I giggled.

"YOU GOT JUKED SON" I shouted while sprinting away.


"I BROKE HIM!" I shouted falling to my knees.

"WILL YOU TWO SHUT UP?! DON'T MAKE ME GET THE CHANCLA!" A vicious voice that could only belong to my mother shouted.

I saw Marcus pale and cover my mouth. I licked his hand and he surprisingly didn't move it. I growled and bit his hand. He went to yell but covered his mouth. We turned around to see Martinus and Katie sleepily standing there. We yelped quietly. We waited for them to get ready and we left after Marcus texted their drivers the address.

When we got there I stared at the top of the building. I had to run to catch up with them. It was beautiful inside the building. Since I was raised more in the rural area than the main part of New York, so I never really saw any of this. The walls were painted an extravagant blue, with a dark blue floral pattern over it. The floor was your average checkered floor, except the tiles were red and black instead of white and black. I gasped as did Katie because she basically lived with me. The boys looked at us like we were crazy and we just laughed. The secretary told us the floor to go to and where the elevator was. We climbed in and it took off at a surprisingly quick speed. We were met with gold double doors. Marcus reached his hand up and knocked.

Time skip past this part :3

We finally left the office after waiting hours. The guy gave the boys money to go buy new outfits to wear on stage, so I guess they're going shopping.

Katie and I went back to my house because we haven't really gotten to talk much.

"KATIEEEE" I screamed while I tackled my best friend onto the couch.

She started screaming and I laughed.

"Sooooooo..." I started as I got really close to her face.

"How are you and Martinus? Have you done the smoochy smoochy?" I teased and I giggled when Katie's face became a bright red.

"W-What makes you say that?" Katie struggled to get out.

"OOOOOO girl give me the deets!" I said giving a sassy hand wave.

"W-Well, it was after you had gotten out of the hospital... Martinus was by my side for all of it so it gave us a chance to get closer. He asked me out the day you woke up... " Katie managed to get out.

"Aw! I ship it! I'm going to make a fanfiction!" I screamed while pulling out my laptop.

"No!" Katie screamed while covering her face because she was blushing.

"It's official!" I said as I made the cover and format for the story.

Katie sighed and went to work on her story, Aphmau high school.

I got a few chapters of the story done and looked at my phone for any missed messages, since I tend to get a bit focused in my writing. I saw I had a missed text and call from Marcus.

The text said," Hey, wanna meet us at a restaurant? Or just pick up some pizza?"

I saw it was sent two hours ago, and I felt sadness fill me. Oops? I called him. It rang a few times before he picked up.

"H-hey, um sorry about not answering, I was kinda caught up in my writing..." I explained as I weakly giggled.

"Huh? Oh, don't worry about it. I assumed you were busy so we got pizza, we are on our way now." Marcus explained.

I laughed as we said our goodbyes.

When Marcus and Martinus got there they showed us their amazing clothes and we all ate pizza and watched movies all night.

Music In The Making (Marcus Gunnarsen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now