Chapter 41

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Your POV

Where was I? Oh yes, I was in the process of falling on the floor when a hand caught mine and an arm wrapped around my waist.

I felt a rush of fear wash over me as I hesitated to open my eyes. Neither of us spoke, so I took the first step. I opened my eyes slowly and I let out a breath that I wasn't aware I was holding. I looked up and met the person's eyes. I felt a wave of relief and fear wash over me. It was Koen. I know I know, 'Why would I be afraid of Koen.' Well, it's not exactly that I'm afraid of him, it's more that he's going to want an explanation of my first encounter with Sophia.

I heard the chips clatter to the floor. I waited for Koen to release me and picked up the chips. He stood there looking at me and I froze. I stood there for a minute, holding the chips in my hand. I watched carefully as he opened his mouth to speak.

"What happened w-"

That's all Koen got out before I booked it back to my room. Causing a large amount of noise in the process. I quietly shut the door and sat behind it.

I didn't hear Koen follow me so I wiped an invisible sweat drop away.

I went over to my corner and picked up my phone and earbuds. I let the sleeping Marcus keep the blanket and I sat behind the door, eating chips and watching Netflix.

I was eventually torn from my Netflix by the sound of Marcus's arm hitting the bed, feeling the plushy questionably. I watched from my spot by the bed as Marcus opened his eyes and saw that the plush was indeed not me. I looked in his eyes and saw fear, fear because I wasn't there in his arms when he woke up.

"(Y/n)?" Marcus sleepily called out as he lifted his head sleepily.

I wasn't sure if I should respond or not. I really didn't feel like it, so instead I took one of my anime plushies and threw it at the back of his head.

When it hit him his eyes instantly darted to my spot in front of the door. His worried look instantly went from worried to relieved to mischievous.

I watched him get up and the look on his face caused me to gulp in fear. His face held an evil grin and he slowly walked towards me.

I laughed nervously,"Hehe, babe, we can talk about this."

He slightly shook his head.

"No, I don't think we can." He stated, his voice laced with mischief.

"I love you?" I said in more of a question as I backed away slowly.

I tried to crawl away to the best of my abilities, but he already had me pinned against the door. I was about to ask him what he was doing but all of my thoughts were cut off when his lips met mine. He kissed me with passion and grabbed my wrist, pinning them to the door. He got really close to my ear and I thought he was going to say something, but he instead picked me up and threw my onto the bed. I pinned me down once more and... bagan tickling me.

Surprised in the sudden mood change I couldn't defend myself. I began laughing uncontrollably, attempting to slap his hands away, while gasping for breath.

"N-No! S-Staph!" I yelled while attempting to scoot away.

I tried backing away, but every time I'd make any kind of process Marcus would grab me by the hips and pull me right back.

I was too busy with planning my escape that I didn't notice that everyone in the house had gathered around the doorframe and were staring and taking pictures and videos.

(Forgot to mention a few chapters ago your mom had to go back to America ( before you broke your ankle) to inform the rest of your family and she got back today...)

Finally, someone hadn't turned their phone sound off and so when the camera clicked, a loud sound followed after. This got our attention.

Marcus and I both looked over at the group of people at the same time. The group consisted of Martinus, Katie, Dani, Koen, (FC/n), and (M/n). They all panicked once they saw us and ran. Marcus and I looked at each other with evil looks and ran after them, both of us carrying one of my shoes in hand.

Marcus and I hunted down each one of them and hit them in the back of the head with La Chancla. We saved my mother for last because she is the most powerful and scary of them all. We eventually had hit everyone with La Chancla, and they were laying on the floor with bumps on the back of the head.

"T-That's my daughter all right..." (M/n) said as she collapsed on the floor.

Marcus and I put our shoes back and laughed together. When he wasn't prepared I kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me surprised because that was the first time I had kissed him.

I giggled and walked away, leaving Marcus to collapse on top of the others in shock. 

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