Chapter 29

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Hey Wolf Pack! I'm so sorry this took so long to get up! I've seriously been running out of ideas and I've had bad writers block. But I'm attempting to get the chapters up at the right time now so just try to hang with me! Enjoy the chapter Wolf Pack!


Your POV

I slowly walked into the house, with dread on my mind. I was just glad that at the moment Marcus wasn't waiting for me at the house. I walked in and I showed Koen the living room. I didn't have a guest room so this was the best I could do.

"KOEEEEEN!!!" I screamed from the kitchen.

I heard footsteps running and Koen appeared in the doorway, surprisingly out of breath even though he ran like two steps.

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?! ARE YOU HURT?!" Koen screamed as he looked around.

"Do you want food?" I asked as I saw the expression on his face.


"Oops?" I said as I slowly backed away and got a pan down.

"I WANT FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" Koen whined from the living room.

"Okay Okay!!! What do you want?" I said even though I was already making pizza.

"Hmmmm. GASP PIZZA!" Koen said as he fell off the couch he was hanging upside down on.

"Good, because i'm already making it." I said as I took the now perfectly cooked pizza out of the oven.

I heard a cheer from Koen in the living room, I then heard a thump as he fell off the couch and onto the floor. I heard heavy footsteps pounding on the floor as he ran in here. I sat down at the kitchen table while Koen was getting pizza. I felt my phone go off beside me. I picked it up and checked who the call was from. It was from Marcus....

I hesitantly picked up and I was happy to hear his voice.

"Hey (Y/n)! I just wanted to check in since we haven't really talked all day." Marcus said from the other end.

"That's good! I'm happy to hear your voice." I replied as I looked up from the floor.

I saw Koen giving me a confused look. He quickly swallowed his pizza and quietly whispered,"Is that Marcus?"

I nodded and continued to talk on the phone.

"I was thinking about coming over later, if that's okay." Marcus said from the other end.

I got nervous and said the first thing that came to mind.

"O-Of course you can, I see you then." I said as I went to hang up.

"Hi Marcus!" Koen yelled before I pressed the end call button.

"Who was th-" Was all Marcus got out before I pressed the end call button.

"Why?!" I said as I set my phone down and turned to look at Koen.

"Sfnowacei?" Koen attempted to say as his mouth was full of food.

"Don't talk with your mouth full." I said as I crigned.

Koen finished his food and then attempted to ask again.

"What do you mean?" He asked as he set his plate down.

"Remember the last time you came over?" I said as Koen and I looked towards the sky to cue a flashback.


It was right after Marcus and I started dating. Koen was going to come over to hang out because his family wanted to come see a band here. I had forgotten Marcus was going to come over, and I had also forgotten to tell Marcus that Koen was coming to Norway in the first place. Katie, Koen and I were all messing around and running around like kids playing tag. Because I mean, why not?

Koen was the person who had to tag someone and was chasing us when someone (Marcus) knocked on the door. Katie was closest so she went to get is and Koen and I were still playing.

Koen finally tagged me, but he pushed me a little too hard and I fell. I was about to hit the floor but Koen caught me in his arms. I let out a sigh of relief but I quickly regretted it when I saw Marcus in the doorway, with a heartbroken look on his face. He ran into the bathroom ad locked the door.

"What was that about?" Koen asked as he helped me up.

"Dammit." I sighed and I started pacing back and forth.

"What is it?" Katie asked.

"I forgot to tell Marcus about Koen." I said as I started walking towards the bathroom door.

"Marcus?" I asked but got no answer.

"Let me handle this..." Koen said as he walked up to the door.

He pulled a bobby pin out of his hair and unlocked the door. He went in and shut it.


Koen went in and closed the door he sat down next to Marcus and they sat in silence for a while until Koen spoke.

"I'm gay." Koen said.

"What?" Marcus said slightly startled by the sudden break in the silence.

"I. Am. Gay. I'm a childhood friend of (Y/n) from America." Koen said while looking down.

"O-Oh." Marcus said.

Koen got up and walked out of the bathroom. Making sure to close the door.



"Did you tell him?" I asked as I got up off the couch.

Koen nodded and I hugged him.

Koen hasn't come out to anyone but me so it must've been difficult.

I heard to door slowly open and I turned around.

I walked towards Marcus and hugged him tightly.

"I love you." I whispered as I buried my head in his shoulder.

"I love you too" He whispered.

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