Chapter 20

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(Y/n) groggily woke up in her bed, two arms wrapped around her waist. She carefully sat up as to not wake the person next to her up. She took a moment to recollect her thoughts from the night before. It soon came to her, the entrance to the new year, the concert, and Marcus publicly confessing his love her her. A small blush slowly spread across her face.

(Y/n) slowly got out of bed after removing Marcus's arms from around her waist. She checked her phone and saw she had a text from her mother, the text said that she and her father had gone to the store to make a celebration feast for how good Marcus and Martinus' performance went. Apparently they were watching and even saw the little fiasco that happened after they had walked off stage. (They felt they needed to celebrate that as well ;) ) (Y/n) sighed and got out of bed. She checked the time as she ran into the hallway only to have her face run into a wall.

Your POV

I slowly got out of bed as to not awake the adorable Marcus. I pulled my phone out to check the time as I opened and walked out the door. I tried running to the kitchen to get some food as I noticed it was already noon, yet that moment was short lived as my face smashed into the wall. I fell flat on my back and groaned loudly. I then remembered Marcus was sleeping and covered my mouth. I felt warm liquid trickling out of my nose and wiped it with my hand. I examined the liquid that kept flowing out of my nose to find I had in fact given myself a nosebleed. I quietly sighed, but then my eyes widened as I heard a quiet yet calling/confusing mumble of my name. I looked up and saw Marcus sleepily staring at the door.

"Down here." I said while groaning.

I pinched my nose yet blood kept flowing. I hit my nose really hard since I was running full speed when I hit the wall. Marcus looked down and leaped out of bed when he saw red liquid now basically flowing out of my nose.

"W-What happened?" Marcus asked as he knelt down beside you, his bed head flopping around in his face.

"I'm fine, I just kinda....*mumbles incoherently*" I mumbled while blushing.

"What? What happened?" He asked, worry in his eyes.

"*Sigh* I ran into a wall." I said as I looked down.

I heard Marcus stifle a laugh as he walked into the bathroom and got a towel and some ice. He wrapped it up and handed it to me. I gently pressed it to my nose and winced.

"We'll have to watch and see if it's okay. You need to be more careful, we can't have you getting hurt anymore got it?" Marcus asked putting on a sassy sort of face.

"Fineeeeeeeee." I said as I plopped back onto my back on the floor.

I heard the guest bedroom open and Martinus and Katie walked out sleepily. Once they saw me they tilted their heads in confusion as they walked up to me. I groaned and they looked to Marcus.

"She hit her face walking out of the bedroom, now her nose is bleeding a lot and it's starting to swell." Marcus said as he also fell on his back and joined me on the floor he intertwined his hand with mine.

"I'll, go make some lunch, Martinus talk to (Y/n)'s mom and tell her what happened." Katie said as she walked down the hall and into the kitchen.

Marcus sat up for a second and chucked my phone at Martinus. Martinus went to my contacts and called my mom, he went in the other room to explain what happened. I noticed that Marcus and Martinus both seemed, down. I turned on my side to Marcus and readjusted my ice towel.

"Hey Marcus, you seem sad, what's up?" I asked.

He looked at the ceiling before speaking.

"Hm, I don't know, I think it's just the feeling of excitement wearing off after the concert yesterday." Marcus said while looking at me.

I was about to say something but Martinus came back into the room with my phone.

"Your mom will be home soon, she said that she wants to check it out when she gets home and to not go anywhere." Martinus asked as he sat down and fell down on his back next to Marcus.

Katie came in with some food. She saw us on the floor and gave us our food. I set mine down because I was still on the floor. I was getting a little dizzy because my nose was still bleeding, and I saw Katie sit down next to Martinus. They both sat up and I had Marcus help me up. I fell a few times but we all ate and chatted. The eating was a little hard for me because my nose was bleeding, but I made it work. Surprisingly it took an entire hour for my mother to get home, apparently a lot of people decided to go to the store today. When she got home with my father she dropped everything and ran to me. She kept saying things like 'Are you okay? Does it hurt?' I didn't answer because I know she won't listen. I realized that I hadn't looked at my nose since I officially covered it. I looked in the mirror and gasped. My nose had swollen to twice its original size. I realized that it hurt a lot more than it did originally. I ran to my mom and she said we needed to go to the hospital right away. Marcus was really worried, he even picked me up and carried me to the car. The car ride was fuzzy because of the blood loss. I had to change the towel a few times due to the amount of blood. On the drive I must have fallen asleep because all I could hear is people shouting my name.     

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