Chapter 16

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Your POV

My brother set me down and plopped beside me on the couch, then Marcus came and sat down on the other side of me. I looked around and saw no sign of Martinus and Katie. I hopped up real quick and sprinted outside. I saw them kissing in the yard. I fake puked.

"Hey, no PDA. Come on inside slow pokes!" I then ran back inside feeling the two running in behind me.

"HA! I won!" I said doing a victory dance.

We laughed and then I sat back down where I once was. I used my brother and Marcus as a pillow. My feet on Marcus as I talked to my brother.

"Soooo, how's my little sister doing? Did you get a boyfriend yet?" My brother asked.

Then he suddenly got serious.

"Because if I don't like him I'll rip him to shreds." He said.

I could hear Marcus gulp. I giggled a little.

"Hehe, yeah um, about that....." I paused for a moment.

"What if I did get a boyfriend and you kind of already know them?" I asked smiling weakly.

"That would be impossible because I'm your older brother and you don't date until I say." Vernon said as he went into overprotective brother mode.

"Well it's a good thing she doesn't have on right?" Marcus said unconvincingly as he laughed nervously.

I could tell my brother knew something was up. I looked to my father for help but I saw he wasn't even there. I sweatdropped and looked at my mother.

"So Katie, are you and Martinus in a relationship?" My mom suddenly asked while changing the subject.

I saw Katie's face turn red. Her and Martinus started talking to my mother but I got a text so I zoned out.

From: Marcus <3

: Hey, I don't think we should tell your brother quite yet about us.

I looked over at him then quickly replied.

To: Marcus<3

:Yeah, I think we should wait until tomorrow when you guys are all caught up.

I sent the text and secretly looked at Marcus. I was about to open the message when my phone was swiped from my hand. I jumped and looked at the thief. I gulped, my brother had my phone.

"Hey! Give that back!" I shouted while trying to reach the phone he know help in the air.

Darn my being short! He started scrolling through the messages as he ran around. I ran to my room and closed the door. I locked it and sat against it. What would my brother think? Will he hate me? I couldn't help but feel sad. I felt even more so as I heard yelling coming from the room I was just in. It sounded like my brother. I felt guilty. This was all my fault. I realized that everything on the other side of the door hap stopped. I felt something through the crack in the door. I looked and a sheet of paper slipped under my door. I looked at it and it was from Marcus.

"Are you okay?" It said in sloppy handwriting.

I grabbed a pen from my desk and replied.

"No." I sent the paper back.

I heard the crumple of it being opened and someone writing on it.

"I talked to him." Was what it said.

"I heard." I replied.

"He wants to get to know me more, but he said it was okay... for now." It said.

I still felt guilty. I hadn't even realized I was crying until now.

"I'm so sorry. This is my fault." I replied as I sent the note back.

I didn't even notice that my tears dropped onto the paper until it was sent back and the ink was smeared slightly.

"Let me in. Please." It said.

I hesitantly unlocked the door. I backed up to behind the door. He only opened it slightly so he didn't notice yet. Marcus walked in and shut the door. He froze when he saw me in the corner with my knees up to my chest. He slowly walked over to me and sat down. He pulled me to his chest and hugged me. He sat there and comforted me as I just cried my eyes out. My face was hidden in his neck as he held me close to him. I soon felt myself slip into darkness.

Marcus POV (After you left)

(Y/n) ran into her room, so badly I wanted to go after her, but I knew we needed to talk about this.

"How are you date my sister without my permission!" Vernon shouted with rage.

"Listen, I can explain-" I started but was cut off.

"Explain my ass! You're dating MY sister!" Vernon yelled, now blind with rage.

"VERNON CALM DOWN THIS INSTANT! LET THE BOY EXPLAIN BEFORE I SMACK YOU WITH MY CHANCLA! AND YOUR SISTER IS A GROWN WOMAN NOW SHE CAN DATE WHO SHE WANTS!" (M/n) yelled as she suddenly appeared from the conversation she was having with Martinus and Katie. Vernon hesitantly calmed down. He sat on the couch.

"Explain yourself." Was all he said.

So I did. From the very beginning I told him how I felt and about everything. Even what happened in the hospital.

"Listen Vernon. I understand that you only want what's best for (Y/n). I do too. But I really do love her. She's smart, funny, kind, and she's everything I've ever wanted. With her beautiful (e/c) eyes that can see right through me. And her (h/l) (h/c) that makes her look so graceful. Everything about her is amazing. I really do care about her. So I'd like to get closer to you, so you can know who I really am. Then you can decide and I will honor your wishes." I finished.

I was surprised at myself. I've never said those things out loud before. He nodded and went into his room to think. I went to go find (Y/n)...

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