Chapter 12

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I woke up at what felt like noon. You know, drooling and coughing. Trying to figure out what year it is. The whole nine yards. When all the memories from last night came flooding back. My face felt hot as my face must've been deep red by then. Then I realized I never made it home. 'But i'm in my bed?' I asked myself. That's when I noticed that there was a little yellow sticky note. It read,

(Y/n), you fell asleep on the way to your house. I carried you into your room. I had fun last night. I have something important to ask you though. So please call me when you wake up and read this message. (Random number)

<3 Marcus

I almost squealed right then and there. I quickly tried to hop out of bed but I forgot my feet were tangled in the sheets. So that only ended in my falling out of my bed and getting even more tangled in my sheets.

I finally freed myself from my soft prison and quickly called Marcus. It took a few rings but finally, a groggy voice answered.

"Hello?" A sleepy Marcus asked from the other side of the phone.

His voice was deeper and raspier than normal due to just waking up. I had to hold back a blush at the difference in his voice. 'What time is it? He normally is up before noon.' I thought to myself as I quickly checked my clock. In bright red numbers it said 9:30 am. That makes more sense. "Too early?" I asked in a joking sort of tone.

His voice instantly sounded more alive.

"(Y/n)?" He asked.

"I think?" I responded jokingly.

I heard a slight chuckle on the other end his voice still deep from being asleep only moments ago. I couldn't hold my blush back this time as what I can only assume was a crimson blush spread across my face.

"What was it you wanted to tell me?" I asked innocently.

Marcus then tensed and started stuttering.

"U-uh, I'll tell you later. Meet me at the park two blocks from your house at 5:00 p.m okay?" He asked nervously.

"Yup! See ya there!" I replied happily as I hung up the phone.

I quickly got up, took a shower, put on some lazy clothes because I mean why not? When I was ready to go I realized it was still only 12:00 pm. 'How am I going to waste 5 hours?' I thought to myself. Then I got an idea. I quickly pulled out my laptop and got on Wattpad. I decided to update one of my stories.

Times skip Because Idk (Random excuse here)

I checked the time and it was near 5:00. I quickly hopped up, fixed my hair, grabbed my phone and left. I quickly shot Marcus a text letting him know I was on my way. I quickly ran there so I wouldn't be late. I put my earbuds in and quickly listened to Pandora. I only got through one song. The only difference between Martyrdom and suicide is press coverage by Panic! At The Disco. cliche I know but hey, I can't help it. I hummed to the song as I ran and I got there in no time.

Lyrics: Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time

C'mon, just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me

Good, good, now we're making some progress

Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat

And I believe

This may call for a proper introduction, and well

Don't you see?

I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Applause, applause, no, wait, wait

Dear studio audience, I've an announcement to make

It seems the artists these days are not who you think

So we'll pick back up on that on another page

And I believe

This may call for a proper introduction, and well

Don't you see?

I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen

Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen

Swear to shake it up, swear to shake it up

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen

Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention

I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives

By the time I got there the song was over. I pulled out my earbuds/took off my headphones (we don't discriminate hearing products XD) I then heard Marcus yelling my name. I turned around in time for him to crash into me. We fell to the ground. We were both bright red. I was a bit confused as to why his face was so red, but I remembered that I was here for something.

"So, what'd you need to tell me?" I questioned, cocking my head to the side slightly, my (hairstyle of choice) falling into my face a little.

"O-oh, that. Yeah w-well I, I know I told you this yesterday, but I really l-like you. I j-just wanted to ask if you would do me the honor of being my girlfriend?" Marcus finally managed to stutter out, his face a deep red color.

I was actually surprised there was any blood left in his body because it looked like it was all in his face. When I heard what he said my face was the same color and my legs felt weak. I stuttered and tripped over my own words.

"Oh y-yeah, well um, yes I've kind of liked you for a long time. Katie used to tease me about it constantly. B-but yes, of course i'd be your girlfriend, you've been with me through everything, even before we knew each other." I embarrassingly stuttered out. Awkwardly scratching the side of my arm while saying the last bit.

Marcus picked me up and spun me around once more. I closed my eyes, feeling dizzy at the familiar situation.

"S-sorry!" Marcus yelled as he carefully put me down.

"It's alright, no biggie ma man." I said jokingly.

He giggled and I blushed. We walked to my house as the sunset behind us. (I warned you about the cringe)

"H-Hey (Y/n)?" He asked me.

I hummed in response.

"C-Could I maybe h-hold your hand?" He asked.

I giggled and blushed a little because it was so cute how he asked. I grabbed his hand and took it in mine. We continued the walk home. And on that walk home we learned a little more about each other. 

Music In The Making (Marcus Gunnarsen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now