Chapter 33

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I woke up to a heavy shaking sensation I slowly opened my eyes and let out a groan.

"GRT UP (spelling error intentional)" I heard a strangely familiar voice.


I instantly recognized the voice as my friend Dani. Instead of getting up, I wrapped my arms around her and hugged her. I heard her squeal and I hugged her more.

"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I said surprised at the sudden showing of one of my best friends.

"Uh gurl, where would the surprise be if I did that?" Dani said as she hugged me.

I laughed and sat up, causing Dani to fall on her back. She giggled and pulled me down with her.

We got up and went into the living room. Everyone was already awake. I went to check the time, and realized I had left my phone in my room. I quickly went back to get it, but I was stopped in my tracks. I saw Marcus and Katie standing in front of each other, Marcus was saying something. I know it's not right to eavesdrop, but I couldn't help myself. I leaned closer and I could barely hear, but what I heard made my stomach drop.

"I know it seems like we haven't known each other long, but since I've met you, my life has been better in every way, I love you and can't imagine life without you." I heard Marcus say.

I panicked and let a gasp escape my throat. Tears came to my eyes. Marcus and Katie looked at me. Marcus looked at Katie and realized how the situation must have looked. He tried to speak. I didn't have time to think, I had to get out of there. I ran into the room, grabbed my phone and ran. I stopped by the door to grab my shoes, but once I was out the door, I ran. I ran like my life depended on it. I didn't know where to go, so I just ran.

I stopped running eventually to catch my breath. My phone kept going off so I turned it off. I didn't want to speak to anyone right now.

I couldn't believe it. How could Marcus just be done with me like that. Did I ever even mean anything to him?

I finally stopped by a small playground. I sat climbed up a large tower and sat at the top of it. I buried my head in my knees and let everything out. I was feeling a lot of different things. Mostly betrayal and sadness. I couldn't register what had just happened. I sat there for a while until I decided to get up and get food. Because food always seems to make me feel better. I got up, but I failed to realize that it was raining. I tried to climb down carefully but I slipped and fell on my ankle. I heard a loud crack and I felt instant pain burning in my leg. I cried out loudly and fell to the ground.

Luckily my cry of pain got someone's attention and a little girl came running up to me. She had a look of worry in her eyes.

"Are you okay miss?" The little girl asked.

"Um, I don't think so. Is your mother around?" I asked as I grasped my ankle.

"Mommy!" I little girl yelled as she ran off to get her mother.

"Oh my! Are you okay dear?" The woman asked as she approached me.

"No, could you call an ambulance?" I asked as I attempted not to cry even more.

The woman pulled out her phone and dialed 9-1-1.

We waited until the ambulance arrived and they helped me into the ambulance.

"Is there anyone we can call?" One of the medical assistants asked me.

"No, it's okay, I'm an adult." I said as they easily hoisted me into the ambulance.

They carried me away and I turned on my phone. I had 20 missed calls from both Marcus and Dani. Koen and Katie left me 20 calls and texts each. I called my mom.

"SWEETIE! What's going on? I heard that you ran off. Are you okay?" My mom asked worriedly.

"Well, I'm on my way to the hospital, I fell and broke my ankle. But no need to tell anyone because I don't want to see them. I'll tell you what the doctors say and I'll get a cab." I said as we arrived at the hospital. I didn't listen to her reply and hung up.

I let the doctors do their thing, x-rays, CAT-scans, and some CT-scans, just to be sure nothing else had been injured when I fell. They started an I.V. for pain meds and casted up my ankle after painfully setting it back into place.

They let me be for a while to let the pain meds kick in. I opened Instagram and posted a picture of the red cast, that carefully bound my ankle. I posted the picture with a frowny face caption. In just a few minutes I got lots of comments. A lot were from Marcus, Katie, Dani, Martinus, or Koen. They were asking where I was and what had happened to me. I ignored them and responded to the comments asking if I was okay from others.

I closed my phone after a while and the doctor came in. I talked to me for a few minutes and said they wanted to keep me overnight just to be sure no infection took place. I understood there worries and thanked him for everything. I laid back on the not so soft hospital bed and closed my eyes.

I woke up to the beeping of the monitor and my phone endlessly vibrating. I groaned and answered without even thinking of checking the caller ID.

"(Y/n)! I've been trying to reach your forever I-" The caller tried to say. But I recognized the voice and ended the call. I really didn't want to talk to Marcus. The nurse came in right as I was drifting off again.

"Miss (L/n)! You are free to leave! I just have to take your I.V. out and you're okay to go. We have a pair of crutches waiting to be brought in." The nurse said as she approaches me carefully.

She braced me and carefully removed the needle from my veins. I was glad I received a nurse with a gentle touch. She put a bandage on my arm and got the sign out sheets. I happily signed them and waddled out with my crutches.

Once I was outside I sat on a bench and closed my eyes, taking a moment to take in everything that has happened....


Finally I got the chapter done. Sorry guys, I've just had a lot on my plate...

That's all for now, Stay Fierce wolf pack!

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