Chapter 8

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Now back to your regularly scheduled programs

Martinus and Katie didn't expect for their plan to work so well. They knew Marcus and (Y/n) had feelings for each other by the way they look at each other. What they didn't know was that sometimes when Marcus and (Y/n) were alone together, the awkwardness wasn't always there, and they have come up with some plans of their own.

Back to the cat

(Y/n) rushed into the kitchen with the cat in her arms. She noticed

Marcus behind her and started giving him instructions.

"I need peroxide, bandages, and tweezers. STAT!" After Marcus brought her the stuff she ordered him to leave the room.

"Out, you don't need to see this." (Y/n) said while getting to work. She had everything she needed because luckily Marcus and Martinus' parents kept a fully stocked med-kit in the house. This was going to take a while.

Your POV

I easily set the cat on the counter gently, I stroked it's small nose to calm it and got to work. I used the tweezer to gently pull small bits of glass out of the cat in various places. I then disinfected the wounds and even sewed up the larger ones, I wrapped the bandages around the kitten and held in in my arms for a few minutes before finishing.

No One's POV

Marcus was worried about the poor innocent cat. He didn't even begin to think about who could've done this.

(Y/n) came out finally while wiping beads of sweat off her face. She carried the cat that was securely wrapped in a blanket, covering its poor shaking body. Marcus noticed right away and ran up to her.

"Will he be okay?" He asked sounding a little more worried than he had intended.

"Yeah, I think the little guy's going to be okay." (Y/n) said with a smile of relief.

She was sure at first he was a goner because he's just a kitten, but he pulled through. Relief washed over Marcus, but that was short lived. There was a knock at the door, it sounded, angry. (Btw I forgot to mention that their parents are away on a trip and let you stay while they're gone) Marcus walked over to the door and slowly opened it. In front of him, a package, well more like an envelope. He cautiously opened the package and found a note and a photo. Naturally he opened the note first. It was sloppily written and damp. He started to read.

To my dear Marcus,

I have found out where you live my sweet. Now we can be together forever, at least, after I get rid of that little problem you've seemed to encounter. But don't worry, once I deal with it, we can be together forever with no problems at all. That's all for now my sweet.

With love,

Sophia Gunnersen to be :) (I'm sorry if that's your name, if it is you can change it.)

The letter made him cringe. What made him cringe in disgust even more what the collage inside. The photo inside was of cropped photos of him and Martinus, but Martinus' face was cut out and there was a photo of a girl in its place. All of a sudden, right after he put the stuff down. The power cut and everything was dark. He heard a smash and a scream. 'That sounded like (Y/n)!' Marcus thought as he pulled out the flashlight on his phone. He ran towards where he saw you last, but you weren't there. The cat was sleeping peacefully so he wasn't harmed. He quickly went to go find Martinus and Katie.

When he found them they looked so worried.

"What's going on? Where's the power? Is someone hurt? I heard a scream!" Katie and Martinus both yelled at the same time.

"(Y/n)'s gone! Some crazy stalker wants to kill her! She knows where we live!" Was all Marcus could get out at the moment.

"Marcus, breathe, we'll find her." Martinus reassured, though he wasn't as sure as he came off. They heard another blood curdling scream and a psychotic laugh. They could easily track the sound.

"(Y/n) are you in there?!" Marcus yelled. Another scream answered his question.

"Oh Marcus honey! Why don't you go wait in the living room, I'll be out in a second." Sophia said followed by another scream.

"(Y/n) I'm going to help you don't worry!" Marcus backed up and rammed into the door.

It barely budged as Martinus joined him. Marcus felt a sudden anger and need to protect you and rammed into the door with all his strength. It let out a dull squeak and fell. What they saw scarred them for life. (Y/n) sat there, her wrist and ankles tied to a sort of torture chair, long gashes spiraled down her body, blood gushing out of all of them. Her clothes were torn in multiple places. She was unconscious, cuts covered her face.

"Katie, call the police immediately." Martinus said calmly.

Katie pulled her phone out and dialed the police. Sophia looked over at them innocently, she licked some of (Y/n)'s blood off her lip and Marcus snapped. He charged at her and they fought, but Sophia had a knife and she swung at him and cut his face, it was deep but not too deep. (That's what she said.) He didn't notice and kept fighting. He had no control. His vision was red. "Martinus, keep her busy while I get (Y/n)." Marcus said as he ran over to her.

He unstrapped her and carefully set her down, her head in his lap. Tears stained his cheeks as he felt his heart break at the idea that you could die and leave him.

The police suddenly stormed in and tackled Sophia. A paramedic team rushed in behind them, scanning the area then rushing over to them. They put (Y/n) on a stretcher and took her away. Marcus just sat there while Martinus and Katie explained to the police what happened, but they needed Marcus to tell them the rest. He told the as quick as he can then he raced to the ambulance to see (Y/n). They let him ride with her to the hospital. He had to wait in the waiting room though. Oddly, a lot of fans came up to him, but he ignored them. They all sat around him, his head was down and his hands were pushed through his hair. They couldn't see the tears streaming down his cheeks.

"(Y/n) (L/n)?" The doctor called to get the attention of who had come with her. Marcus jumped up, a bit startled.

"Are you here for her?" The doctor asked and Marcus eagerly nodded his head.

All the girls looked jealous when they heard him say 'her'.

"I have good new and bad news. Good news, she's alive and you can see her. The bad news is...."

To Be Continued

Music In The Making (Marcus Gunnarsen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now