Chapter 19

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The day was finally here. The day of the concert. Everyone had been preparing for today but they never expected it to come so soon. Marcus, (Y/n), Martinus, and Katie had to wake up super early. And when I say that, I mean the boys woke up early and had to basically drag the girls to the car. They stayed up too late working on the stories they were making no matter how many times the boys warned them. Eventually the girls crashed around four or five in the morning. The time is currently 7 am, so they might be cranky later.

Marcus pov

After persuading the girls for an hour and agreeing to take them to hot topic before the show, we finally got them to get in the car. Even though they crashed almost right away. I looked at (Y/n) as she was leaning on my shoulder. I couldn't help but smile as I brushed a piece of stray hair out of her face. She looks so cute when she's asleep. I pulled my phone out and snapped a picture. I posted it on our Instagram, we never really announced our relationship, so I guess now is the time to do it.

The picture was captioned,"Hey guys, I haven't told you guys yet so i guess now's the time. This is my girlfriend (Y/n). We've been friends for a while now and I recently got the courage to ask her out. She means alot to me so I hope you guys like her! ~ Marcus

I smiled as I looked through the positive and negative feedback on the picture. I was happy because overall the comments were happy. I looked over to Martinus to see him looking at the picture I posted. He looked up at me and smiled. He snapped a picture of Katie as well and posted it explaining that they were dating. I smiled knowing that we didn't have to worry about keeping our relationships a secret. I yawned and leaned my head on top of (Y/n)'s. I soon fell asleep smiling.

I awoke to the jerk of the car stopping. I looked down to see a sleepy looking (Y/n) rubbing her eyes in a cute way.

"Huh? Are we here already?" She asked as she looked up at me with her beautiful (e/c) eyes.

I blushed and nodded my head. She giggled and I got out and let her get on my back with her blanket wrapped around her like a mini burrito. I carried her inside and set her down on a couch nearby. Martinus sat Katie down as well and we went to talk to the director.

As we were walking back to where we left the girls, we heard to screams. Martinus and I looked at each other and took off running.

When we got there we saw the girls squealing over a dog that had made its way into the building somehow. I sighed and ran behind (Y/n) I scooped her up and kissed her in the cheek. I heard her squeal and I saw her turn red. I heard her mumble something but I didn't understand what.

"What was that?" I asked.

"You missed" I heard her say.

I turned red and I heard some snickering from beside us. I quickly pecked her on the lips. She turned even more red than she was. We all went backstage to get ready for the concert at Times Square because it'll take awhile to get ready. After all the sound checks and reviewing the dance moves a few hundred times, it was 11:30. We go on in 5 minutes. I checked in the mirror to make sure everything was in order. I walked over to where I left (Y/n) to see her staring at the tv screen that would show us when we went on. I walked over and sat down next to her.

"Are you nervous?" (Y/n) asked me.

"Of course, but I feel better because I know you're here with me." I said as I smiled.

"I'll always be here." (Y/n) said as she smiled.

Martinus and I were called to the stage. I gave (Y/n) a hug and ran to the stage. I walked on and got ready.

Your POV

I watched as Marcus walked on stage I stared at the screen as they sang some of their famous songs. But before one, Marcus spoke into the microphone.

"This last song is for the girl that stole my heart, (Y/n). This is her favorite song. (Y/n) I love you." Marcus said as the audio to Together came on.

I felt myself start to tear up. I whispered to myself 'I love you too.'

Once the song ended I ran over to where they left stage and I tackled Marcus into a hug and we accidentally fell onto the stage so everyone could see us. I didn't care though.

"I love you too!" I said as tears started streaming down my face.

I heard awws from the crowd as I buried my head into his chest.

I heard Marcus laugh as he picked me up and waved to everyone before walking off stage once again. I wouldn't stop hugging him. I felt Marcus plant a kiss on the top of my head.

I hopped off of Marcus and jumped up and down.

"YOU DID AMAZING!!!!!!!" I said.

"Hey I performed too." Martinus said as he stood behind me.

I quickly hugged Martinus.

"You did amazing too!" I said.

We all talked for a while before watching the ball drop. Martinus and Katie kissed. And when I wasn't expecting it, Marcus passionately kissed me. I blushed like a tomato.

We wanted to go home but we had to meet with the people who had paid to meet Marcus and Martinus. A lot of the time, it was just Marcus and Martinus, but sometimes Katie or myself would get asked questions or were asked to take a picture with our other.

After a lot of questions I began to get tired and leaned on Marcus.

"Uh oh, looks like (Y/n) is getting sleepy." Marcus said as he held me.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and buried my head in his neck. I heard silent screams and saw lots of camera flashes, but I didn't care, I closed my eyes and quickly drifted to sleep, thinking about how today was amazing....

Music In The Making (Marcus Gunnarsen x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now