Chapter 1-Lani

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Yeah yeah yeah. I know. No one wants to read this boring author's note. This might suck, cuz this is my first story? fan fiction? eh, who the hell knows what it's called. Anyway, I'm gonna try to make my A/Ns short and simple. but you should really read my A/Ns. I'm hilarious. whatever. Don't hate, appreciate! xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I wake up to my room mate opening the curtain and letting the sun blaze into my half opened eyes. I shield my face with crossed arms and pretend to shrivel up.

"Ahh! My eyes!" I jokingly yell. This got a giggle out of Lani, my room mate. She was new here in this hell hold and everyone is here for a reason, so I try to keep my room mates entertained. Make the best of it, you know? I've been here for three years and have been adopted about 7 times; mostly by those people your parents warn you about. The ones in dark clothing and you get a bad gut feeling about them. The man your parents tell you to run away from. The longest I've ever spent in a single home is two months. I've pretty much devised a strategy so I can be in and out of a home within a month.

I'm 13 years old and my mom died when I was nine. I've never been very emotional, so I took all the money in the house and got the hell out. I actually managed to survive for about a year before child services found me. They managed to grasp ahold of my father, who left us when I was five. They performed a few tests on him and he was cleared. I was there for less than three months before child services were dragged into this mess again. Apparently, after he found out that I was alive, he became sober and stopped using drugs just long enough for all of it to leave his blood stream just so the tests would return negative. Mental, right?

When he took me home, the first thing he did was drink a six pack and lock me in the basement. Every day he would rape me and beat me until I was unconscious. After a while, I became accustomed to it, so it wasn't as bad. I was given a meager amount of food once a week just to survive, but not nearly enough to fill my pit hole of a stomach. Becoming used to rape is never a good thing, but it just happened. The only thing I never became used to, was when he brought friends over. I don't remember one night during that time span when I didn't cry myself to sleep. When the police found out he was arrested for child abuse and third degree murder as well as his parental rights were taken away.

"C'mon, Anna! It's breakfast time." Lani looks excited. I decide not to ruin her fantasy and tell her that we get half a piece of toast for breakfast. No butter, no jam. Just bread. I just groaned. It was Lani's first week and every time someone is new, we all get special meals for a week as a welcome. I pull a clean shirt over my head and stumble down the stairs. I laugh at myself as I see Lani gracefully jump over the last three steps. Lani and I have become pretty close over the past week. Lani is the same age as I and I can see the who is going to be the first person to adopt her. Probably one of my ex-guardians. Hopefully, she is smart to figure out that this hell hole is better than that hell hole so she will be back soon. It's not fair what happened to her. Her parents were in a major car accident and didn't make it. I think we could be great friends. We walk into the small dining hall as I grab my pittance of food, I see disappointment flash over her eyes until it is quickly masked and she takes her share of food as I did.

Lani and I are the oldest in the orphanage, we get to go to the local public school. I glance at the clock and see that it's already 7:15. I grab Lani's wrist and take her upstairs so we can get ready. I hear Ms. Greenly's voice behind me and I slowly turn around. She's nice, but she's intimidating.

"Girls. Wait." I feel her firm grip on my shoulder pulling me down to the bottom step.

"Girls, we have some nice gentlemen coming today looking to adopt between the ages 9 and 14, so you girls will be staying home today, at least until noon. Now go shower and make yourselves presentable." Ms. Greenly says sternly.

I knew this wasn't going to end well but I followed her command anyway. I took a five minute shower and put on my finest, which was an over sized long sleeved shirt and a pair of loose jeans. I reached under my bed and pulled out my journal.

Dear Diary,

Nothing exciting has happened. Yet. The "gentlemen" Ms. Greenly mentioned will probably adopt Lani and abuse her. I think I might have had three adopted families that weren't looking for sex, or to hurt me. Lani's new and she's really pretty. She looks a lot like my mom when she was young. I miss her so much. The fact that they're willing to adopt either gender does give me hope, but if they live up to my expectations and adopt Lani, I hope she'll be back soon. I've gotten to know her better, and she seems smart. Smart enough to escape.


I walk up to Ms. Greenly and ask if I can go out back. There's not much. Just a grassy area and a few trees. She curtly nods her head and as I walk away I hear, "Be back in half an hour!"

Without looking back I give her a quick thumbs up. I walk around for a little just getting the sweet air into my pores and making sure no one is looking, I walk over to my secret spot where I keep anything that I don't want found because Ms. Greenly inspects our room once a week. I reach my hand up the drain pipe and pull out a blade.

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