Chapter 4-Dinner and a new room

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Hey guys. You should really read my authors notes. They're short, and simple. Right now, I promise not to ever make a chapter with just authors note. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

I stared in disbelief as Niall walked past me to unlock the door to to mansion. I don't know if that's even the right word. Someone placed their hands on my shoulders, and before they could say anything I took his wrist in my right hand and his forearm in my left and flip him over my shoulder. As he's almost perpendicular to the ground, I whip my head so a) I don't get hit; and b) so I can hit their face with my long, dirty blond hair. I hear an 'oof' and I look down and see Harry flat on his back on the cement paved driveway.

"Welcome to your new home," Harry grumbles. I extend my hand to help him to his feet when I see all the other boys stifling their laughter.

"Aren't you a tough girl? Remind me to never get on your bad side," he says standing up finding his center of gravity. I hear Louis tell Harry that he practically got beat up by their daughter.

They have really got to learn how to whisper. Wait. WHAT! I know I'm adopted and all, but isn't that jumping the gun a little? I step inside the mansion and see what looks like an attempt to clean up. In other words, everything was shoved under the couch.

"C'mon! Let's go see your new room!" they all yell in unison. How do they do that? Whatever. It's just a little creepy. I see all the boys nearly tripping over their feet to go to my room. I followed closely behind. We walk upstairs and the line up against the wall clearing a path leading up to a closed door. Directly behind that door is the room I will be sleeping in for the next two weeks. Then I'll be out of here and back in the orphanage. Two weeks. Just two weeks. I take a deep breath and I slowly turn the knob not knowing what to expect. I stepped in and gasped. I boys were smiling ear to ear as they saw my expression. The room was gorgeous. And huge. There's a short hallway leading up to the bed part of my room. On my right there are two doors. One for my bathroom, and one for my closet. I see my closet and relief spreads across my face. I hate it when people spend money on me. My feet were on a soft blue carpet while my walls were painted a light periwinkle and there were little corner designs to accent it. I see a queen sized bed in the middle. While the bed frame is painted black wood, the sheets are an ivory shade. I jump into it and see a flat screen tv mounted across from it. I look over and on my right there is a window seat and a desk set up next to it. There is a desk lamp, and three boxes. One contained a MacBook Pro. The next one contained an iPad. and the third a gold iPhone 6! I gently stroked it as if it were a dream. I see a door across the room and I open it and see it connect to my walk in closet, while if I continued to walk, there was another door that led to the bathroom. The walls were painted a beige, while the floor was smooth black granite. I saw a glass shower, with a large tub next to it. The sink was glass and underneath there were about 200 different shampoos, conditioners, exfoliators, body washes, and everything I would ever need. I walked over to the boys. They all look at me expectantly.

" you. I love it. But you didn't have to do this." I stutter.

Liam was the first one to speak up this time. "Nonsense. We are your family now and we shall spoil you as we please. How about for now, you unpack, wash up and then meet us down for dinner in an hour. Okay?" I didn't know what to say. I just met them today and they had already given me so much. So I just nodded. Louis looks like he was about to kiss my forehead but then remember what happened to Harry. The decide to just shuffle out of my room to let me get ready. I take about one minute to unpack. I mean, c'mon guys. I have like five things. I took my blade and placed it on top of my tv so none of them could get it without trying to find it. I stripped down and stepped inside the glass shower with some random shampoo, conditioner, and body wash. I recognized none of the names. I was out of the shower in fifteen minutes and I looked at the clock. It was 10 minutes till six. I didn't have to be downstairs until 6:30. I reached up to grab my razor blade as I went to the bathroom and sliced down on my wrist. I wasn't upset or anything right now, but I had to remind myself that this wasn't going to last long. They were going to use me like everyone else. I grabbed my journal from under my mattress.

Dear Diary,

Today I was adopted. Again. I couldn't trust them. I know I can't. Even though they bought me a bunch of stuff, a phone, a laptop! I know what they're doing. These One Direction people are trying to make it look like this is a permanent arrangement so I'll trust them more. I've seen it all. Time to put plan A into action. Act sullen and hostile so they will leave me alone, scary enough that no one will want to have sex with me. Violent enough so no one will want to take a step towards me. I refuse to get raped again. It will not happen. They might not touch me, but they will hurt me. Just two more weeks. then, I can be out of here.


"ANNA!" I hear. I run down the stairs and see Liam waiting for me. He takes my hand and I kick him where the sun doesn't shine.

He doubles over in pain and I look down and say "NEVER TOUCH ME. EVER!" Everyone just looks at me shocked. I walked over to the table and just sat down. All the boys just looked at each other as if it were a silent conversation.

Louis is the first to open his mouth."Anna, we were wondering if you could just chill with the whole violence thing. We love you and we're not going to hurt you."

"That's what they all say" I muttered. All five of they boys exchange glances and just stand there awkwardly. Niall decides to break the uncomfortable silence.

Louis POV

"So...who wants dinner? Harry made pasta!" Niall yelled. Always thinking about food. Something is wrong with that boy. I chuckle and pull out a seat for Anna and sit down next to her. I take the large forks in the and place a large heap of noodles on her plate. She takes her fork and just pokes it.

"Do you have any spoons?" She asked attempting to twirl it around the four prongs on her fork.

I look across the table and see Liam tense up.

"Sorry baby girl. We don't have any spoons because Liam has a strange fear of them," I try to explain. Anna just shrugs like it's nothing. It was weird. She didn't laugh. I mean, it isn't every day you come across a full grown man who is afraid of spoons. I look at the other guys and they are shocked by it too. I think she notices us staring.

"What?" She asks.

"You didn't laugh," Liam says. "We're just surprised."

"Why? Was I supposed to laugh?" she asks with confusion spread through out her whole face.

"Well it's just not everyday you come across a grown man who is afraid of something as petty as spoons," Zayn replies.

"Oh." is all she says. "I guess I didn't laugh because I have a strange fear myself. No I will not tell you right now. Maybe later in life. I'm going to tell you right now that none of you should pry to get an answer out of me. I will tell you when I'm ready. There are only three things you need to know about me at the moment. One. Don't pry for answers. Two. Don't touch me. And three. If you prank me, you will get pranked back except one thousand times worse."

Anna puts down her fork and says "I'm full." as she walks upstairs. We all look at her plate and see that it's pretty much full. She might have taken three bites max.

"Do you think she's anorexic?" Liam asks as if he were reading my thoughts.

None of us said anything because we honestly had no idea.

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