Chapter 11-Why (Part 2)

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So ummm. . .hope you guys liked the last chapter. This is another one. Yes I'm stating the obvious. Who cares? This is Why part 2 and there will definitely be a part 3 and maybe a part 4. xoxoXIIIlegal

Previously on Adopted By One Direction

"Hey Uncle Si," he answers.

Silence on our end as only Louis can hear what Simon is saying.

"Okay. Yeah. Just give us a minute," he replies.

Then I faintly hear the line go dead.

The four of us look at Louis expectantly.

"Umm...Simon wants to meet with us. Like now. Something about management and Anna. It doesn't look good from what I've heard." Louis says as he nervously scratches the back of his neck.

We nod in agreement. Before we exit, we all kiss the top of Anna's forehead and single file leave, shutting the hospital door behind us with out another word.

. . .

Harry POV

As I'm the last to leave the room, I take one last glance at our baby Anna and pull the heavy wooden door towards my body until I hear a satisfying click. With tears threatening to spill I turned to the boys.

"Let's get this over with," I mumbled.

The boys nodded their heads in consent implying they were thinking the same thing. Just as we silently pass through the sliding glass doors, we are swarmed with a good 500 group of screaming girls. How do they always know where we are? I get how they know where are concerts and interviews are, but at a hospital? I mean, c'mon. As we make our way through the screaming girls, I see a black van pull up and I vaguely see Paul's silhouette through the front window.

Very quickly, we all slide un the back seat and the second the door it shut the screams are dampened by 70%. Minutes of silence inside the van pass.

"What did you boys do this time? Simon told me to immediatly get you," Paul says looking at us through the rear view mirror.

"We don't know. Simon just said to go straight to management," Louis replies.

"Oh," is all Paul is able to manage as he is at a loss for words. The van falls into another uncomfortable silence.

15 minutes pass before we arrive at the destination. Thankfully, when we step out we are greeted by the sound of rustling trees and wind, not screaming teenage girls. We walk up the few steps that lead us to the door of the building. Niall pushes the kind doors and the air conditioning hits me square in the face like a glass wall. The receptionist briefly glances at us then curtly nods as an okay. After passing five doors we turn right and enter the door with a gold placard fixed on the side of it engraved with the words "One Direction Management".

We step in and I see Simon at the head of a large round table. There are about three people on either side of him and right in front of us there are five empty seats. We shuffle around each other to find the seat with our last name on the place card about a foot away from the edge.

"Boys," Simon is the first to speak.

"Simon," We say in unison in the same tone.

"We need to talk about Anna," he bluntly announces.

"What about her?" I ask.

"She is beginning to be a problem. She is going to the hospital almost every week, the fans found out about her eating disorders and her cutting. You boys have spent more on her then you have spent in your entire career. She has to go. She is bad for your publicity." Simon explains.

"First you want us to adopt a kid before we're ready for publicity but when she has a few problems she has to go? Did you expect her to to be a perfect angel? Because when you're abandoned, raped, and abused, it's difficult to have a normal childhood! Simon, we want to fix her. Let her have the fun she never got to have when she was five. Be able to be there for her when she has her first talent show, first award, first break up, first everything! We want to be there in the audience when she is up on the podium making a speech for her high school graduation! Yeah, we weren't ready when you told us to adopted a child. Hell, I thought I wouldn't give a shit about this kid and we would just have to feed them and clothe them. But I became attached to Anna. Sure, we had a rough start on the whole parenting thing, but I can see that she grows everyday and she becomes more attached to us, and my love grows for her every fucking day. I thought that this would just be another girl who freaks out when ever she comes in contact with out skin and she did, but not for the same reason. I love her with all my heart and I would die for her. We promised we wouldn't hurt her and I intend to keep that promise until the day I die. I think I speak for all of us when I say she truly is our daughter and a part of One Direction and if she has to go back, then I would never forgive you." Louis yells and then recovers from his outburst.

Simon considers his words carefully. "Alright. I'll give you six months to turn her around and if she is still a mess at that point, she goes back. Do we have a deal?"

"Yes. You won't be disappointed," I answer for Louis. Simon nods.

"Alrighty then. You are free to go." Simon concludes.

We exit and make the commute back to the hospital.

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