Chapter 14-Maybe. Possibly. Probably not.

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Guys. I know that it's not very well explained. So basically she was on the roof and it was raining and somehow someway she got hypothermia or something. I really don't know how it works for where I live, it's fairly warm. Like everyday. I'm also writing on mobile so there will most likely be a bunch of typos. xoxoXIIIlegal

Anna POV

"Would you like to explain to us why you almost died of hypothermia?" Zayn yells.

"Not particularly." I shrug.

With out a second to spare, my wet hair whipped my across my face and I was being pinned against a wall.

"Anna. You will tell us why you came in freezing and shivering after you disappeared for almost three hours right now. Understand?" Zayn growls less than two inches away from my face.

Out of fear, I nodded my head yes.

He waited for me to continue.

"I-I-I don't know. I guess-" I try to explain.

"You don't know! That is not an answer, young lady!" Zayn bellows.

Before I could respond, I feel a hand come in contact with my left cheek. Hard. I look up at Zayn's eyes widening in fear. Zayn slapped me. Zayn Malik. Fucking. Slapped me.

Without any hesitation, I kick both of his shins in and watch him crumble to the ground. I run out if the room and out the front door with ribbons of tears sticking to my cheeks.

I push the front door open and slam it and then watching my feet pound against the paved grey concrete sidewalks of London. When I reach the end of my breath, I turn right into an green open field. Across it lays many hard pieces of plastic assembled with metal forming a large, strange, contraption set into sand. I and many others recognize this space as a park. A park. I've only seen places like this in pictures and from many blocks in the distance.

As if it were a dream, I slowly slip off my shoes and ease into a run on the grass. The wind whistles through my hair and ears as I watch and feel the grass filling the spaces between my toes.

"Hi." A voice interrupts my thoughts. How rude. I look at the owner of this voice. Never mind. Not rude, hot.

What do I say? As an orphan, I didn't attract the attention of guys very often. Should I say hi? Or would hey be more casual. Maybe hello? That's more formal and polite. Is it too formal? What if-

"Hey," the word comes out with out my consent.

"I'm Wes. Wesley Martin. You?" he says with a cheeky smile.

"Anna. Anna Tomlinson." I respond.

Wes sticks his hand out for me to shake. I awkwardly slide my hand into the inside of his palm and shake.

"Nice to meet you, Anna. May I have your number?" He asks politely. Straight to the point, is he?

I pull my phone out of my back pocket. "Well. . .uhh. . .I don't exactly know how to use this and I haven't memorized my number," the volume in my voice decreases by at least 70% by the end of the sentence.

Wes chuckles at my novice skills at operating an iPhone. He takes my phone and hands it back 30 seconds later except now it has his number in it and a text sent to himself.

I thank him and I begin my way back to the flat.

The sight that first crosses my eyes when I enter the flat is Liam pacing back and forth, Louis, Harry, and Zayn have their heads propped up on their hands and Niall eating like there's no tomorrow. Niall is the first to notice my presence.

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